lots of questions of a newbie :)

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lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi people: This is my first post in this list :) I am starting a personal web site for informal tourism in Argentina. The intention is not to do money but have fun with a friend of mine that studies tourism. In the website, there are lots of thing that would be very nice and fast to do it with pier (I've been playing with it and seems to be wonderful): posts, blogs, wiki pages, and so on. However, I have others "requirements" that are very specific and they are not like CMS....So, I start looking to Pier (I already know something about seaside). And I have some questions:

1) Pier persistence. I think I can use image and magma persistence. Is this right? Is somewhere explain it how to do it with magma?

2) My application has its own "business" objects like destinies, user, companies, trips, and so on. So, I need persistence for this model. Here, can I use whatever I want? I want to test squeakDBX for example, can I use it ? regarding of the effort of this? Or I must use the persistence strategy I use for Pier ?

3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?

5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation somewhere?

6) How can I change Pier styles (css). For example, I would like to change the height of the div of the header. Or the bottoms of the menu. Or put a background in all the site.

7) Is there some tutorial ?

That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Ahh I use Pier 1.1.



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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Philippe Marschall
2009/3/17 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>:

> Hi people: This is my first post in this list :) I am starting a personal
> web site for informal tourism in Argentina. The intention is not to do money
> but have fun with a friend of mine that studies tourism. In the website,
> there are lots of thing that would be very nice and fast to do it with pier
> (I've been playing with it and seems to be wonderful): posts, blogs, wiki
> pages, and so on. However, I have others "requirements" that are very
> specific and they are not like CMS....So, I start looking to Pier (I already
> know something about seaside). And I have some questions:
> 1) Pier persistence. I think I can use image and magma persistence. Is this
> right? Is somewhere explain it how to do it with magma?
> 2) My application has its own "business" objects like destinies, user,
> companies, trips, and so on. So, I need persistence for this model. Here,
> can I use whatever I want? I want to test squeakDBX for example, can I use
> it ? regarding of the effort of this? Or I must use the persistence strategy
> I use for Pier ?
> 3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud
> of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY
> application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user
> post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?
> 4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do
> them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my
> component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I
> easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?
> 5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation somewhere?
> 6) How can I change Pier styles (css). For example, I would like to change
> the height of the div of the header. Or the bottoms of the menu. Or put a
> background in all the site.
> 7) Is there some tutorial ?
> That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Just to make sure, you actually use the CMS functionality of Pier,
don't you? Because otherwise you'll probably be better off using just
Seaside + Magritte.


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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck

Just to make sure, you actually use the CMS functionality of Pier,
don't you? Because otherwise you'll probably be better off using just
Seaside + Magritte.

Excellent question :)  Actually that was my bigger question. For now, I think I have. I mean, I will have simple pages (would be nicer and faster to do it with pier than from smalltalk), blogs and posts. Furthermore, I thought extending Blog in something like Review. I would like people can post places, destinations, travels, trips or whatever, and let users to vote them (something like IMDB but for tourism). But...nothing is said, and I am free to do what I want....Because of this I want to know all the alternatives.




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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
> 1) Pier persistence. I think I can use image and magma persistence. Is this
> right? Is somewhere explain it how to do it with magma?

I am using the image persistency and I also started to do some work on
image segment persistency, but this hasn't been well tested yet. Since
the last release it is also possible to export the Pier model using
reference streams, however I do not suggest to use that as a
persistency mechanism because it is rather slow.

> 2) My application has its own "business" objects like destinies, user,
> companies, trips, and so on. So, I need persistence for this model. Here,
> can I use whatever I want? I want to test squeakDBX for example, can I use
> it ? regarding of the effort of this? Or I must use the persistence strategy
> I use for Pier ?

That can be combined, you just need to make sure that the two
persistency strategies

> 3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud
> of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY
> application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user
> post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

Have a look at PUUser and make your user polymorphic. There should be
no problem injecting that into Pier.

> 4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do
> them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my

Create your own components. It is not necessary to subclass PRComponent.

> component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I
> easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?

Add to a page an embedded link like +mycomponent+, click on that link,
select "add component", select the name of your Seaside component
class and your component is within Pier.

> 5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation somewhere?

Pier is independent of Seaside, most people (including me) mostly use
it together with Seaside. However that's not a requirement and other
views can be used instead. Pier-OmniBrowser is view for Morphic using
the OmniBrowser framework to edit and view a Pier model. It is
mentioned for example in my Master Thesis
(http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Diploma/Reng06a.pdf, Section
3.4.1) or in this short proposal

> 6) How can I change Pier styles (css). For example, I would like to change
> the height of the div of the header. Or the bottoms of the menu. Or put a
> background in all the site.

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

> 7) Is there some tutorial ?

www.piercms.com contains a growing collection of documentation,
tutorials, videos, blogs, examples, etc.

> That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Please keep your questions rolling!


Lukas Renggli

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

John McKeon
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
I agree Pier ROCKS! I will answer what I can

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi people: This is my first post in this list :) I am starting a personal web site for informal tourism in Argentina. The intention is not to do money but have fun with a friend of mine that studies tourism. In the website, there are lots of thing that would be very nice and fast to do it with pier (I've been playing with it and seems to be wonderful): posts, blogs, wiki pages, and so on. However, I have others "requirements" that are very specific and they are not like CMS....So, I start looking to Pier (I already know something about seaside). And I have some questions:

1) Pier persistence. I think I can use image and magma persistence. Is this right? Is somewhere explain it how to do it with magma?

2) My application has its own "business" objects like destinies, user, companies, trips, and so on. So, I need persistence for this model. Here, can I use whatever I want? I want to test squeakDBX for example, can I use it ? regarding of the effort of this? Or I must use the persistence strategy I use for Pier ?

If you use Magma you propbably won't need any database as Magma is an Object "database"

3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

this one is trickier i think. I have overridden WASession and added a user variable for my user requirements, then in the config screen (in the Web Browser) there is a place to override the default Session with your own subclass. In Pier there is a PUUser class but I don't think it so easy to get Pier to use a subclass, so that may not suit your purposes.

4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?

Any Seaside component can be added to a page by overriding canBeRoot to return true. Then whe you use the Add command in Pier select Component from the drop down, when it asks you which component in the frop down you should see your component near the bottom of the list under the Seaside category. Select it and save and BOOM! it show up. Really cool. This is what sold me on looking at Pier in the first place. It made all my wonky looking seaside components look like professional web pages. The built in CSS helped ALOT in that regard as well. 

Also, look into using Magritte to describe your objects it makes things MUCH easier down the road.

5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation somewhere?

6) How can I change Pier styles (css). For example, I would like to change the height of the div of the header. Or the bottoms of the menu. Or put a background in all the site.

7) Is there some tutorial ? 

That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Ahh I use Pier 1.1.



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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:
> 1) Pier persistence. I think I can use image and magma persistence. Is this
> right? Is somewhere explain it how to do it with magma?

I am using the image persistency and I also started to do some work on
image segment persistency, but this hasn't been well tested yet. Since
the last release it is also possible to export the Pier model using
reference streams, however I do not suggest to use that as a
persistency mechanism because it is rather slow.

Excellent. I will use image persistence then. I also so your post of export and import from images!

> 2) My application has its own "business" objects like destinies, user,
> companies, trips, and so on. So, I need persistence for this model. Here,
> can I use whatever I want? I want to test squeakDBX for example, can I use
> it ? regarding of the effort of this? Or I must use the persistence strategy
> I use for Pier ?

That can be combined, you just need to make sure that the two
persistency strategies


> 3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud
> of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY
> application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user
> post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

Have a look at PUUser and make your user polymorphic. There should be
no problem injecting that into Pier.

Ok. I will look at PUUser and see. Perhaps I can do a inheritance. I will see...

> 4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do
> them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my

Create your own components. It is not necessary to subclass PRComponent.

Ok, perfect.

> component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I
> easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?

Add to a page an embedded link like +mycomponent+, click on that link,
select "add component", select the name of your Seaside component
class and your component is within Pier.

Nice. Very simple :) 

> 5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation somewhere?

Pier is independent of Seaside, most people (including me) mostly use
it together with Seaside. However that's not a requirement and other
views can be used instead. Pier-OmniBrowser is view for Morphic using
the OmniBrowser framework to edit and view a Pier model. It is
mentioned for example in my Master Thesis
(http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Diploma/Reng06a.pdf, Section
3.4.1) or in this short proposal

Ahh okok. I will also read pdf. Thanks

> 6) How can I change Pier styles (css). For example, I would like to change
> the height of the div of the header. Or the bottoms of the menu. Or put a
> background in all the site.

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.

> 7) Is there some tutorial ?

www.piercms.com contains a growing collection of documentation,
tutorials, videos, blogs, examples, etc.


> That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Please keep your questions rolling!

Ok, Believe me I will do it haha.

Thanks for all the help :)





Lukas Renggli

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

John McKeon

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.

Ahh you are using v1.1
You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /magritteaddons if use any of the addons.


> 7) Is there some tutorial ?

www.piercms.com contains a growing collection of documentation,
tutorials, videos, blogs, examples, etc.


> That's all for now. I am very exited with Pier and hope to use it :)

Please keep your questions rolling!

Ok, Believe me I will do it haha.

Thanks for all the help :)





Lukas Renggli

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by John McKeon

3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

this one is trickier i think. I have overridden WASession and added a user variable for my user requirements, then in the config screen (in the Web Browser) there is a place to override the default Session with your own subclass. In Pier there is a PUUser class but I don't think it so easy to get Pier to use a subclass, so that may not suit your purposes.

But in that case how can you map your user to pier user ?

4) As I said I have requirements that are not related with CMS. How can I do them? Create my own seaside component? extends PRComponent? How can I add my component to a pier component then ? In fact, the main question is, can I easily have requirements that are not Pier using Pier hahah?

Any Seaside component can be added to a page by overriding canBeRoot to return true. Then whe you use the Add command in Pier select Component from the drop down, when it asks you which component in the frop down you should see your component near the bottom of the list under the Seaside category. Select it and save and BOOM! it show up. Really cool. This is what sold me on looking at Pier in the first place. It made all my wonky looking seaside components look like professional web pages. The built in CSS helped ALOT in that regard as well. 

Exclent :)

Also, look into using Magritte to describe your objects it makes things MUCH easier down the road.

Yes. Reading about magritte is also in my todo list :)

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by John McKeon

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]> wrote:

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.

Ahh you are using v1.1

So ?

You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /magritteaddons if use any of the addons.

I would like to update trought Universe rather than MC. I don't know the dependences of each package and I also do not know in which order I have to do it. Is there an script to do this with mc ?

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

John McKeon
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

3) Suppose there are users that can register in my site, and there is a crud of User. But, that's MY User. I mean, User class will have attributes of MY application. However, I still need a user for Pier, so that to let the user post, create blogs, etc....How can I do this?

this one is trickier i think. I have overridden WASession and added a user variable for my user requirements, then in the config screen (in the Web Browser) there is a place to override the default Session with your own subclass. In Pier there is a PUUser class but I don't think it so easy to get Pier to use a subclass, so that may not suit your purposes.

But in that case how can you map your user to pier user ?
That is what is not as easy. Not as easy as creating a subclass of WASession  with an instance var to hold an instance of YOUR user class. this can be referred to from any seaside component by callng self session (or self session user if that is the name of the instance var to get a reference of your user object). You simply tell seaside to use your session class in your application;s config page.
Lukas mentioned that you could subclass PUUser but I am not sure where you would tell Pier to create instances of your subclass rather than PUUser.


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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

John McKeon
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]> wrote:

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.

Ahh you are using v1.1

So ?
The latest version 1.1.1 has it built in. Version 1.1 you need to add it. I don't think it was in that version.
It is in the Pier-Design package which is in the pieraddons repository.


You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /magritteaddons if use any of the addons.

I would like to update trought Universe rather than MC. I don't know the dependences of each package and I also do not know in which order I have to do it. Is there an script to do this with mc ?

In universes, select Web Development and Pier-Design and add that. You MAY have to manually add the command to the environment.

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Have a look at the client framework. in squeaksource.com/Jetsam This is
an attempt to provide good boundaries between ui and backends. It
provides a framework for extending Pier and Seaside in a modular fashion.

The idea is to be able to publish a module in sections, for Front end
and Backend. For example:

Front End "User Management (for Pier)", and Back End "User Management
for MySql"

The interface between them is the "Client" which you subclass for each
specific installation (i.e. the client who wants the project) where you
provide your specific mappings between the front and back-ends. The
client instance also provides the ability to switch between
mock/live/test backend repositories.

The user management module will receive a major overhaul in the next
couple of days, but you can see how pier users are connected to real users.

I define Pier users as "roles" for the real users. I.e. the pier users
managed in pier defines the access rights for a group of real users, and
a pier user is used as a template for instanciating a temporary PUUser
instance which represents the real user.

When the real user is logged in, any user data from the backend is added
as a property to the current Session.

(Yes I know that WASession doesnt support properties, but it should and
with Jetsam-Helpers it does)


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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by John McKeon
> Lukas mentioned that you could subclass PUUser but I am not sure where you
> would tell Pier to create instances of your subclass rather than PUUser.

Pier does not create new users unless you ask it to do so from one of
the system widgets. The list of available users is stored in the
kernel, normally it is a collection of PUUser instances but you can
certainly add other instances in there.


Lukas Renggli

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Tudor Girba-3
In reply to this post by John McKeon

The Edit Design is present since the 1.0.17. You should see it when  
you log in as admin.

What commands do you actually see after logging in?


On 17 Mar 2009, at 22:02, John McKeon wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]
> > wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]>  
> wrote:
> The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
> can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style
> methods.
> That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I  
> am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.
> Ahh you are using v1.1
> So ?
> The latest version 1.1.1 has it built in. Version 1.1 you need to  
> add it. I don't think it was in that version.
> It is in the Pier-Design package which is in the pieraddons  
> repository.
> You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier 
>  (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories  
> as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /
> magritteaddons if use any of the addons.
> I would like to update trought Universe rather than MC. I don't know  
> the dependences of each package and I also do not know in which  
> order I have to do it. Is there an script to do this with mc ?
> In universes, select Web Development and Pier-Design and add that.  
> You MAY have to manually add the command to the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki


"If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair, you will  
end up with a messy haircut."

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Tudor Girba-3
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

> 7) Is there some tutorial ?

There are some screencasts here:

Also a number of questions are answered here:



"Every thing has its own flow."

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pier-omnibrowser [was Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)]

Tudor Girba-3
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi again :),

> 5) What's the pier-omnibrowser ? what is for ? Documentation  
> somewhere?

Pier-Omnibrowser offers you a browser in Squeak for the Pier objects.  
It is useful for administration purposes.



"What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-3

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

The Edit Design is present since the 1.0.17. You should see it when you log in as admin.

Which is the easiest way of knowing what version I have ? I am using Damien's PharoWeb imagen...

What commands do you actually see after logging in?

Tonight I answer this :)


On 17 Mar 2009, at 22:02, John McKeon wrote:

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]> wrote:

The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style

That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.

Ahh you are using v1.1

So ?
The latest version 1.1.1 has it built in. Version 1.1 you need to add it. I don't think it was in that version.
It is in the Pier-Design package which is in the pieraddons repository.

You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /magritteaddons if use any of the addons.

I would like to update trought Universe rather than MC. I don't know the dependences of each package and I also do not know in which order I have to do it. Is there an script to do this with mc ?

In universes, select Web Development and Pier-Design and add that. You MAY have to manually add the command to the environment.

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"If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair, you will end up with a messy haircut."

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Tudor Girba-3

> The Edit Design is present since the 1.0.17. You should see it when  
> you log in as admin.
> Which is the easiest way of knowing what version I have ? I am using  
> Damien's PharoWeb imagen...

This is probably your problem. I do not know what gets released in  
Damien's image. When we refer to versions, we refer to the images  
released on www.piercms.com/download. I would suggest to use these  
ones for starters.


> What commands do you actually see after logging in?
> Tonight I answer this :)
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 17 Mar 2009, at 22:02, John McKeon wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]
> > wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]>  
> wrote:
> The "Edit Design" command lets you edit the CSS style-sheet. Also you
> can use the mechanisms of Seaside, e.g. WAFileLibrary or #style
> methods.
> That's the main problem. I do not see "Edit design" command :(   I  
> am admin and have all the permissions, but I don't see it.
> Ahh you are using v1.1
> So ?
> The latest version 1.1.1 has it built in. Version 1.1 you need to  
> add it. I don't think it was in that version.
> It is in the Pier-Design package which is in the pieraddons  
> repository.
> You want to update the Pier code using Monticello and the repository http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier 
>  (I found its a good idea to keep an eye on the other repositories  
> as well. /seaside /magritte and /pier as well as /pieraddons and /
> magritteaddons if use any of the addons.
> I would like to update trought Universe rather than MC. I don't know  
> the dependences of each package and I also do not know in which  
> order I have to do it. Is there an script to do this with mc ?
> In universes, select Web Development and Pier-Design and add that.  
> You MAY have to manually add the command to the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair, you will  
> end up with a messy haircut."
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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"Obvious things are difficult to teach."

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Damien Cassou-3
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Which is the easiest way of knowing what version I have ? I am using
>> Damien's PharoWeb imagen...

My images always come with latest version on universe. What's the image name?

Damien Cassou

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Re: lots of questions of a newbie :)

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Damien Cassou <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Which is the easiest way of knowing what version I have ? I am using
>> Damien's PharoWeb imagen...

My images always come with latest version on universe. What's the image name?




Damien Cassou

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