managing changesets and merging / conflicts

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managing changesets and merging / conflicts

Not sure if I'm doing this right, but here's a hypothetical example to explain my train of thought, and illustrate where I get stuck. If it matters, its a Squeak 4.2 image I'm playing with:

I have a based image with classes written by other people that implement something.

I now edit the methods (for example, the layoutEverything method) to change the UI - e.g. put buttons in a different order on a toolbar. I save this as a changeset called 'ToolbarButtons'.

Now I go back to the base image and edit the same method to, for example, position the toolbar differently in the application. I save this as a changeset called 'ToolbarPosition'.

So now, in theory (or at least in my mind) I can create 4 things - base image, base with buttons reordered, base with toolbar repositioned, and base with buttons reordered and toolbar repositioned.

Of course the problem is that the changesets don't know about each other, and so we end up with a conflict. Despite the warning in SBE that the Conflicts button isn't for this, it does seem to show up the diffs if I file in first one changeset and the look at conflicts from the other. But then I can't seem to do anything with them - at least not individually.

I can't see immediately how Monticello would help here either, as the methods are not my new methods, they are still part of the original package, and I still want to be able to get updates from the original repo - just apply my changes as and when.

All I'm really missing is a way to handle the diffs in the changesets smoothly - like being able to step through each one and merge both sets of changes when producing the 'base + reordering + repositioning' image. Is that possible without just doing it all by hand?

