missed commit mails

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missed commit mails

Tobias Pape

Begin forwarded message:

> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 09:42:22 0000
> From: [hidden email]
> To: [hidden email], [hidden email]
> Reply-To: [hidden email]
> Subject: The Trunk: EToys-tfel.268.mcz
> Message-Id: <E1bybm6-0008PL-0i@andreas>
> Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
> http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-tfel.268.mcz
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: EToys-tfel.268
> Author: tfel
> Time: 24 October 2016, 11:33:16.574614 am
> UUID: ea95b449-4d49-994b-a6b1-0b9d17104ab0
> Ancestors: EToys-eem.267
> - refactor addInstVarNames: to go through Player class>>addInstVarName:
> - small cleanups
> =============== Diff against EToys-eem.267 ===============
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Class>>addInstVarNames: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-instance variables') -----
>  addInstVarNames: aCollection
>   | newInstVarString |
>   newInstVarString := self instanceVariablesString.
>   aCollection do:
>   [:varName | (self instVarNames includes: varName) ifFalse: [newInstVarString := newInstVarString , ' ' , varName]].
> + ^ self addInstVarName: newInstVarString
> - ^(ClassBuilder new)
> - name: self name
> - inEnvironment: self environment
> - subclassOf: superclass
> - type: self typeOfClass
> - instanceVariableNames: newInstVarString
> - classVariableNames: self classVariablesString
> - poolDictionaries: self sharedPoolsString
> - category: self category
>  !
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: Player class>>addInstVarName: (in category 'organization') -----
> + addInstVarName: aString
> +
> + ^(ClassBuilder new)
> + name: self name
> + inEnvironment: (self environment import: Smalltalk globals)
> + subclassOf: self superclass
> + type: self typeOfClass
> + instanceVariableNames: self instanceVariablesString, ' ', aString
> + classVariableNames: self classVariablesString
> + poolDictionaries: self sharedPoolsString
> + category: self category
> + !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Player class>>environment (in category 'organization') -----
>  environment
>   ^ self isUniClass
>   ifTrue: [(Environment withName: 'EtoysUserDefinedTempEnvironment')
> + at: self name asSymbol put: self;
> + importSelf;
> - at: self name put: self;
>   yourself]
>   ifFalse: [super environment]!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Preferences class>>cambridge (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-themes') -----
>  cambridge
>   "A theme for Squeakland and OLPC project"
>   "Preferences cambridge"
>   "This method has three parts.  Don't forget to look at the stuff at the bottom."
>   self setPreferencesFrom: #(
>   (allowCelesteTell false)
>   (alternativeScrollbarLook true)
>   (alternativeWindowLook true)
>   (annotationPanes true)
>   (automaticKeyGeneration true)
>   (biggerHandles true)
>   (blinkParen false)
>   (browseWithDragNDrop true)
>   (canRecordWhilePlaying true)
>   (classicNavigatorEnabled false)
>   (compactViewerFlaps true)
>   (enableLocalSave false)
>   (escapeKeyProducesMenu false)
>   (eToyFriendly true)
>   (eToyLoginEnabled true)
>   (extraDebuggerButtons false)
>   (gradientMenu false)
>   (haloTransitions false)
>   (honorDesktopCmdKeys true)
>   (includeSoundControlInNavigator true)
>   (magicHalos false)
>   (menuAppearance3d false)
>   (menuKeyboardControl false)
>   (modalColorPickers true)
>   (mouseOverHalos false)
>   (mvcProjectsAllowed false)
>   (preserveTrash true)
>   (projectViewsInWindows false)
>   (promptForUpdateServer false)
>   (propertySheetFromHalo false)
>   (roundedMenuCorners false)
>   (roundedWindowCorners false)
>   (securityChecksEnabled true)
> + (standaloneSecurityChecksEnabled true)
> + (duplicateControlAndAltKeys true)
>   (showDirectionHandles false)
>   (showDirectionForSketches true)
>   (showProjectNavigator false)
>   (showSecurityStatus false)
>   (soundQuickStart true) "see setPlatformPreferences"
>   (soundReverb false)
>   (soundStopWhenDone true) "see setPlatformPreferences"
>   (startInUntrustedDirectory true)
>   (sugarAutoSave false)
>   (swapControlAndAltKeys false) "see setPlatformPreferences"
>   (uniqueNamesInHalos true)
>   (unlimitedPaintArea false)
>   (useArtificialSweetenerBar true)
>   (useBiggerPaintingBox true)
>   (useFormsInPaintBox false)
>   (useLocale true)
>   (usePangoRenderer false)
>   (usePlatformFonts false)
>   (usePopUpArrows true)
>   (warnAboutInsecureContent false)
>   "The following is to make sure the default is set properly."
>   (abbreviatedBrowserButtons false)
>   (allowEtoyUserCustomEvents false)
>   (alphabeticalProjectMenu false)
>   (alternativeBrowseIt false)
>   (alternativeButtonsInScrollBars false)
>   (alternativeWindowBoxesLook true)
>   (alwaysHideHScrollbar false)
>   (alwaysShowConnectionVocabulary false)
>   (alwaysShowHScrollbar false)
>   (alwaysShowVScrollbar true)
>   (ansiAssignmentOperatorWhenPrettyPrinting true)
>   (areaFillsAreTolerant false)
>   (areaFillsAreVeryTolerant false)
>   (autoAccessors false)
>   (automaticFlapLayout true)
>   (automaticPlatformSettings true) "enables setPlatformPreferences"
>   (automaticViewerPlacement true)
>   (balloonHelpEnabled true)
>   (balloonHelpInMessageLists false)
>   (batchPenTrails false)
>   (biggerCursors true)
>   (browserNagIfNoClassComment true)
>   (browserShowsPackagePane false)
>   (browseWithPrettyPrint false)
>   (capitalizedReferences true)
>   (caseSensitiveFinds false)
>   (cautionBeforeClosing false)
>   (celesteHasStatusPane false)
>   (celesteShowsAttachmentsFlag false)
>   (changeSetVersionNumbers true)
>   (checkForSlips true)
>   (checkForUnsavedProjects true)
>   (classicNewMorphMenu false)
>   (clickOnLabelToEdit false)
>   (cmdDotEnabled true)
>   (collapseWindowsInPlace false)
>   (colorWhenPrettyPrinting false)
>   (compressFlashImages false)
>   (confirmFirstUseOfStyle true)
>   (conversionMethodsAtFileOut false)
>   (cpuWatcherEnabled false)
>   (debugHaloHandle false)
>   (debugPrintSpaceLog false)
>   (debugShowDamage false)
>   (decorateBrowserButtons true)
>   (defaultFileOutFormatMacRoman false)
>   (diffsInChangeList true)
>   (diffsWithPrettyPrint false)
>   (dismissAllOnOptionClose false)
>   (dismissEventTheatreUponPublish true)
>   (dragNDropWithAnimation false)
>   (dropProducesWatcher true)
>   (duplicateControlAndAltKeys false)
>   (easySelection false)
>   (enableInternetConfig false)
>   (enablePortraitMode false)
>   (enableVirtualOLPCDisplay false)
>   (expandedPublishing true)
>   (extractFlashInHighestQuality false)
>   (extractFlashInHighQuality true)
>   (fastDragWindowForMorphic true)
>   (fenceEnabled true)
>   (fenceSoundEnabled false)
>   (fullScreenLeavesDeskMargins true)
>   (gradientScrollBars true)
>   (haloEnclosesFullBounds false)
>   (higherPerformance false)
>   (ignoreStyleIfOnlyBold true)
>   (implicitSelfInTiles false)
>   (inboardScrollbars true)
>   (infiniteUndo false)
>   (keepTickingWhilePainting false)
>   (logDebuggerStackToFile true)
>   (menuButtonInToolPane false)
>   (menuColorFromWorld false)
>   (menuWithIcons true)
>   (morphicProgressStyle true)
>   (mouseOverForKeyboardFocus false)
>   (navigatorOnLeftEdge true)
>   (noviceMode false)
>   (okToReinitializeFlaps true)
>   (oliveHandleForScriptedObjects false)
>   (optionalButtons true)
>   (passwordsOnPublish false)
>   (personalizedWorldMenu true)
>   (postscriptStoredAsEPS false)
>   (printAlternateSyntax false)
>   (projectsSentToDisk false)
>   (projectZoom true)
>   (readDocumentAtStartup true)
>   (restartAlsoProceeds false)
>   (reverseWindowStagger true)
>   (rotationAndScaleHandlesInPaintBox false)
>   (scrollBarsNarrow false)
>   (scrollBarsOnRight true)
>   (scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton false)
>   (selectionsMayShrink true)
>   (selectiveHalos true)
>   (showAdvancedNavigatorButtons false)
>   (showBoundsInHalo false)
>   (showDeprecationWarnings false)
>   (showFlapsWhenPublishing false)
>   (showLinesInHierarchyViews true)
>   (showSharedFlaps true)
>   (signProjectFiles true)
>   (simpleMenus false)
>   (slideDismissalsToTrash true)
>   (smartUpdating true)
>   (soundsEnabled true)
>   (swapMouseButtons false)
>   (systemWindowEmbedOK false)
>   (tabAmongFields true)
>   (testRunnerShowAbstractClasses false)
>   (thoroughSenders true)
>   (tileTranslucentDrag true)
>   (timeStampsInMenuTitles true)
>   (translationWithBabel false)
>   (turnOffPowerManager false)
>   (twentyFourHourFileStamps true)
>   (twoSidedPoohTextures true)
>   (typeCheckingInTileScripting true)
>   (unifyNestedProgressBars true)
>   (uniTilesClassic true)
>   (universalTiles false)
>   (updateFromServerAtStartup false)
>   (updateSavesFile false)
>   (useButtonPropertiesToFire false)
>   (useFileList2 true)
>   (useSmartLabels false)
>   (useUndo true)
>   (useVectorVocabulary false)
>   (viewersInFlaps true)
>   (warnIfNoChangesFile false)
>   (warnIfNoSourcesFile false)
>   (warningForMacOSFileNameLength false)
>   (wordStyleCursorMovement true)
>   ).
>  Preferences setPreference: #haloTheme toValue: #iconicHaloSpecifications.
>  !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Project class>>cleanUpEtoysGarbage (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-utilities') -----
>  cleanUpEtoysGarbage
>   "Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage"
>   "All these should eventuall go away and be fixed, but for now we have this here."
>   Smalltalk garbageCollect.
>   "Clear weak message sends to remove modal windows from worlds that are closing."
>   (WeakMessageSend allInstances select: [:wm  |
>   (wm receiver isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) and: [wm selector = #removeModalWindow]]) do: [:wm | wm receiver: nil].
>   "Clear the weak dictionary on the class side that keeps node state around in the rewriter"
>   KedamaEvaluatorNodeState initialize.
>   "Clear the KedamaEvaluator that holds on to the last Kedama world"
>   ScriptEditorMorph setDefaultEvaluator.
>   "Clear the hard references to player classes, "
>   (Smalltalk organization listAtCategoryNamed:  'UserObjects') do: [:name |
>      Smalltalk forgetClass: (Smalltalk classNamed: name) logged: false].
>   Player withAllSubclasses
>      select: [:c | c isSystemDefined not]
> +    thenDo: [:c  |
> + c theNonMetaClass superclass removeSubclass: c theNonMetaClass.
> + c theMetaClass superclass removeSubclass: c theMetaClass].
> -    thenDo: [:c  | c superclass removeSubclass: c].
>   "Clear the paste buffer"
>   HandMorph initialize.
>   "Clear the reference to the project tree in SkObject"
> + (Smalltalk classNamed: 'SkObject') ifNotNil: [:c | c initialize].
> - Smalltalk at: #SkObject ifPresent: [:cls| cls initialize].
>   PasteUpMorph allInstancesDo: [:m | m presenter ifNotNil: [:p | p flushPlayerListCache]].
>   Smalltalk garbageCollect!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: ReleaseBuilderSqueakland class>>intermediatePrepareForUsers (in category 'scripts') -----
> + intermediatePrepareForUsers
> + "self intermediatePrepareForUsers"
> + Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage.
> + Smalltalk zapAllOtherProjects.
> + Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage.
> + ReleaseBuilder clearCaches.
> + ObjectScanner new. "clear ObjectScanner's class pool"
> + ExternalSettings registerClient: ServerDirectory.
> + Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage.
> + ReleaseBuilderSqueakland configureDesktop.
> + ReleaseBuilderSqueakland setPreferences.
> + Model useColorfulWindows: true.!