more Jenkins: irc

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more Jenkins: irc

Tobias Pape
Dear all

to make it easier for some of us to control and monitor
the CI server, I installed an IRC notification and controller
plugin for Jenkins.

on freenode#squeak, there's now a user squeak-ci that will tell
about the status of the jobs

just issue
        !ci help
and it will respond.


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Re: more Jenkins: irc

Martin Bähr
Excerpts from Tobias Pape's message of 2015-04-04 21:00:57 +0200:
> on freenode#squeak, there's now a user squeak-ci that will tell
> about the status of the jobs
> just issue
>     !ci help
> and it will respond.

nice. could the help message (or any lengthy output) be sent back as private message?

and to the channel maybe just a list of commands names:
commands are: abort alias botsnack build cb comment currentlyBuilding h health jobs q queue s schedule status testresult userstat. details sent in private.

greetings, martin.

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Martin Bähr          working in china