On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 07:44 -0800,
[hidden email] wrote:
> I brought a TRS 80 to math methods class to take notes.
> To everyone else it was noise because they weren't in control
> when I would start typing. To me the tapping was just feedback.
> They "voted away" my property.
Heh, I can see you now, dragging in the crt, mainbox, keyboard, a box of
floppies, cables dangling and a search to find a power outlet <excuse
me! excuse me!> and extension cord to haul it all to your
scoot-sideways-in classroom desk. After all the clatter of plugging it
all in, BEEP! and the tick tick tick whirrr! of the floppy seeking on
boot, and then the keyboard noise arising from your location, the class
just might have been a TAD un-nerved and give you the eyeball! <huge
An apple for the teacher would have been a good idea at the time! You
brought a chuckle to my day. Thanx, Ric