motion sickness from not in drivers seat?

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motion sickness from not in drivers seat?

Paul Sheldon-2
"I tend to move around too much, which the audience finds distracting.
* Any turning creates the opportunity for motion sickness in the audience
watching on a big screen."

I watched those construction worker kids play a video game
and felt motion sick. I think, If you know what moves are coming
because you are in control you don't get sick.
If you look at another's point of view, you get sick.

I had this impression when my mother was driving years ago, too.

It seems motion sickness is from having another person's viewpoint
and being out of control of that viewpoint.

But, perhaps the metaphor doesn't stop there ...

I brought a TRS 80 to math methods class to take notes.
To everyone else it was noise because they weren't in control
when I would start typing. To me the tapping was just feedback.
They "voted away" my property.

Now Popular Science speaks of a phone with haptic feedback.
You feel the phone vibrate to show you pressed a key and
get the illusion of a real button, but noone else does--no noise.

Viewpoints in music are disturbing.
I try out something and someone else has the opinion
I should try what they want me to try
but I want to see where ---I--- go with my experiment.
I like the sound of long legato notes of a trumpet
against stacatto piano while they have the idea
that I should imitate the piano in the holes
which demand "I listen" I feel is neutering my creativity.

Presentations, even in music, should engage the viewpoint of the audience.
The ones I saw in school competed with the audience of peers.

Underneath the surface opinions in learning to create together
is some sort of deep issue of control, viewpoint, and creative management
that I probably don't fathom.

I am very excited to hope to work for people, maybe, who can make textbook
examples to engage students in discovery.

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Re: motion sickness from not in drivers seat?

Ric Moore
On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 07:44 -0800, [hidden email] wrote:

> I brought a TRS 80 to math methods class to take notes.
> To everyone else it was noise because they weren't in control
> when I would start typing. To me the tapping was just feedback.
> They "voted away" my property.

Heh, I can see you now, dragging in the crt, mainbox, keyboard, a box of
floppies, cables dangling and a search to find a power outlet <excuse
me! excuse me!> and extension cord to haul it all to your
scoot-sideways-in classroom desk. After all the clatter of plugging it
all in, BEEP! and the tick tick tick whirrr! of the floppy seeking on
boot, and then the keyboard noise arising from your location, the class
just might have been a TAD un-nerved and give you the eyeball! <huge

An apple for the teacher would have been a good idea at the time! You
brought a chuckle to my day. Thanx, Ric