Hi Andrew,
This is one I bumped heads with a while back.
I tried things along the line you suggested and tied
myself in knots.
So I started with what I knew worked. Handles on
polygons and looked at what they used.
The #on:send: message is the best way I have found to
add behavior to morphs.
define a method in your inheritance chain (e.g.)
self on: #mouseMove send: #moveThisWay to: self
; on: #mouseUp send: #stopThat to: self .
Then make methods
#moveThisWay and
#stopThat in your specific subclass to do what you
Then make a sample of your morph and send it the
initializeMyMove message.
where circle understands what you mean by #moveThisWay
and #stopThat.
I found by experimenting that circle would not listen
to mouse move unless it was also listening to #mouseUp
or #mouseDown.
I also found I absolutely didn't need to write my own
low level stuff for the morphs.
To stop the rectangle from moving you need to make it
"resist being picked up" from the red halo or tell it
to #beSticky programatically.
I also agree that if you can get away with using a
pasteup morph instead of the rectange thats a win. A
tip of the hat to Andreas who said it first.
There are also tricks for making the gui feel
smoother. For my application I update my morphs
position from the
delta of the mouse move
desiredPosition := oldPosition + mouseMoveEnd -
mouseMoveStart + tug.
Where tug was a vector based on the signs of the
coordinates of (mousePosition - oldPosition).
finally you apply constraints to desiredPosition (e.g.
constrain to be within the owners bounds and what
results is the newPosition to which you move your
On mouse up I wanted to insure my morph wound up on a
grid intersection. So the final behavior was
essentially snap to grid.
Again for ideas look at the behavior of handles.
Yours in service, --Jerome Peace
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