I have a project in Squeak 4.6 that I am about to port to Squeak 5.2.
I have used Monticello in the past so for the sake of argument let's assume
I know how to use Monticello.
My project consists of a collection of packages; some of these packages are also
used in some of my other projects.
I could port my project by simply filing out each of my packages using
and then loading them into a clean 5.2 image, again using Monticello.
But I assume I should be using Monticello Configurations and/or
Metacello for this
and I would like to do things properly now and be ready for when I can
release my
project to the public.
So my question is:
Which of Monticello Configurations and/or Metacello should I use for this port
and where do I get the documentation on how to use them?
Note: On the Internet I found the command: "Installer ensureRecentMetacello".
I tried it but it failed. So I now don't know how to install Metacello or even
how to remove what I just partially installed.
Just out of curiosity, why is Metacello not part of standard Squeak?
Ralph Boland
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