new OLPC book with Etoys chapters!

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new OLPC book with Etoys chapters!

Rita Freudenberg
Dear Squeakers,

I'm glad to announce that the new OLPC book "Class Acts" will include
four chapters about Etoys! Thank you so much, Cherry Withers, Bill
Steltzer, Bruno Sperb, Fabiana Marella and all the others who through
their work and their words did help to make that happen! You did an
awesome job last week! Now our Etoys success stories are being told.

Most of the work has be done by participating in a book sprint organized
by Adam Holt from OLPC.
Thank you, Adam, for all the work you did, motivation, support and warm
acceptance! It was a wonderful experience to be part of that effort.

Putting together the chapters of the book in about one week is a
breathtaking work done by 20+ people. It is now getting finished and
then the english version of the book will be available. If you would
like to translate it please let me know or contact the OLPC Support Gang
in IRC


Rita Freudenberg
Squeakland Foundation
squeakland mailing list
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