new Smalltalk videos

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new Smalltalk videos

stephane ducasse

I started to redo my old Smalltalk videos and I would like to get some  
feedback before
putting a soundtrack in french and english.
I will be looking for somebody with a good english accent and a mac to  
for the english soundtracks.


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Re: new Smalltalk videos

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "stephane" == stephane ducasse <[hidden email]> writes:

stephane> I started to redo my old Smalltalk videos and I would like to get
stephane> some feedback before putting a soundtrack in french and english.  I
stephane> will be looking for somebody with a good english accent and a mac to
stephane> help for the english soundtracks.

By "English Accent", do you mean someone who sounds like Ricky Gervais?
That's what we in the states call that. :)

Or do you just mean "can speak well using the English language"?

If the latter, I'd be willing to loan my golden throat to the cause,
and yeah, I have a mac, and a good mike setup.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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