non-beta peak

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non-beta peak

Paul Sheldon-2
Suspect drawing tool is old squeak programming, not visual.

I did notice that went I went off the edge of the island, it wasn't
a long fly back. The mirrors didn't accidently throw me off into space

There was a offer to say ye or ne to going to a server!

I said yes, but I don't know which world that involved.

They all looked sort of like the unconnected worlds of before.

I didn't pull the worlds with the world menus. Ahh.

No go.

KAT Demo :

Wait, introduction to WAN network using kidsfirst sounds like something
for construction workers!

An error message, is something trying to tell me something,
but alas I must go back to the storytelling festival in Denton
that only happens once a year. As Sam would say,
in Quantum Leap, "Oh boy".

Oh, the internet connected to by a modem is a WAN.