[on] Looking for simple test coverage tool

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[on] Looking for simple test coverage tool



I just want to find out for a package which methods are being  
exercised by the test cases and which aren't.

I seems like most of the infrastructure is already around (eg in  
TimeProfileBrowser) but I do not see where to start with coverage.  
Does anyone have any suggestions?

(Of course I am looking at Christo again, but it seems rather  
heavyweight for my needs.)

- on

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Re: [on] Looking for simple test coverage tool

Markus Gälli-3
Hi Oscar

you might want to have a look at



Am 30.03.2009 um 11:09 schrieb Oscar Nierstrasz:

> Hi.
> I just want to find out for a package which methods are being  
> exercised by the test cases and which aren't.
> I seems like most of the infrastructure is already around (eg in  
> TimeProfileBrowser) but I do not see where to start with coverage.  
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> (Of course I am looking at Christo again, but it seems rather  
> heavyweight for my needs.)
> - on
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Re: [on] Looking for simple test coverage tool


Thanks!  I will check it out.

I guess this is the URL you mean:


(luckily the ticket was still valid.)

- on

On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:57, Markus Gaelli wrote:

> Hi Oscar
> you might want to have a look at
> http://www.squeaksource.com/@NBEe8yACPwMd9DvP/jwuFbWFl
> Cheers
> Markus
> Am 30.03.2009 um 11:09 schrieb Oscar Nierstrasz:
>> Hi.
>> I just want to find out for a package which methods are being  
>> exercised by the test cases and which aren't.
>> I seems like most of the infrastructure is already around (eg in  
>> TimeProfileBrowser) but I do not see where to start with coverage.  
>> Does anyone have any suggestions?
>> (Of course I am looking at Christo again, but it seems rather  
>> heavyweight for my needs.)
>> - on
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>> Beginners mailing list
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Re: [on] Looking for simple test coverage tool

In reply to this post by Markus Gälli-3


So, this works, after loading the ObjectAsMethodWrapper project:

        | w tr |
        category := 'SCGPier'.
        w := (ObjectAsOneTimeMethodWrapper installOnClassCategory: category).

        tr := TestRunner new.
        ToolBuilder open: tr.
                categoryAt: (tr categoryList indexOf: category) put: true;

        ((w select: [:each | each executed not ])
                collect: [:each | each wrappedClass name, '>>', each selector  
name ]) explore.

        w do: [:each| each uninstall ].

It opens an explorer on all the names of the not executed methods of  
the selected category.

- on

On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:57, Markus Gaelli wrote:

> Hi Oscar
> you might want to have a look at
> http://www.squeaksource.com/@NBEe8yACPwMd9DvP/jwuFbWFl
> Cheers
> Markus
> Am 30.03.2009 um 11:09 schrieb Oscar Nierstrasz:
>> Hi.
>> I just want to find out for a package which methods are being  
>> exercised by the test cases and which aren't.
>> I seems like most of the infrastructure is already around (eg in  
>> TimeProfileBrowser) but I do not see where to start with coverage.  
>> Does anyone have any suggestions?
>> (Of course I am looking at Christo again, but it seems rather  
>> heavyweight for my needs.)
>> - on
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>> Beginners mailing list
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>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/beginners
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