primitive 87 resume

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primitive 87 resume

Florin Mateoc-4
Hi all,

In the method Process>>resume, which invokes primitive 87, the comment states that the primitive should fail if the process is already waiting in a queue.
But the implementation does not do that. If we execute (inspect) the snippet:

| evaluationProcess result delay testProcess |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
testProcess := Processor activeProcess.
evaluationProcess := [
  delay unschedule.
  result := testProcess isBlocked.
  testProcess resume] fork.
delay wait.

it returns true (and no primitive failed error occurs), which means we successfully resumed a blocked (waiting on a semaphore) process.
I also checked in VMMaker and indeed, the code does not check if the process is on a queue or not before just putting it on a runnable list.

What do you think? Should the comment be changed or the implementation?

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Re: primitive 87 resume

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Florin,

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 4:05 PM Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

In the method Process>>resume, which invokes primitive 87, the comment states that the primitive should fail if the process is already waiting in a queue.
But the implementation does not do that. If we execute (inspect) the snippet:

| evaluationProcess result delay testProcess |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
testProcess := Processor activeProcess.
evaluationProcess := [
  delay unschedule.
  result := testProcess isBlocked.
  testProcess resume] fork.
delay wait.

it returns true (and no primitive failed error occurs), which means we successfully resumed a blocked (waiting on a semaphore) process.
I also checked in VMMaker and indeed, the code does not check if the process is on a queue or not before just putting it on a runnable list.

What do you think? Should the comment be changed or the implementation?

I think the implementation.  Any other opinions?


best, Eliot
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Re: primitive 87 resume

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by Florin Mateoc-4
Hi Florin,

    here's my comment in the implementation from 2010:

"Personally I would like to check MyList, which should not be one of the elements of the scheduler lists.
But there are awful race conditions in things like should:notTakeMoreThan: that mean we can't.
eem 9/27/2010 23:08. e.g.

So it appears that there may be issues that make it difficult to change the primitive.

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 4:05 PM Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

In the method Process>>resume, which invokes primitive 87, the comment states that the primitive should fail if the process is already waiting in a queue.
But the implementation does not do that. If we execute (inspect) the snippet:

| evaluationProcess result delay testProcess |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
testProcess := Processor activeProcess.
evaluationProcess := [
  delay unschedule.
  result := testProcess isBlocked.
  testProcess resume] fork.
delay wait.

it returns true (and no primitive failed error occurs), which means we successfully resumed a blocked (waiting on a semaphore) process.
I also checked in VMMaker and indeed, the code does not check if the process is on a queue or not before just putting it on a runnable list.

What do you think? Should the comment be changed or the implementation?


best, Eliot
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Re: primitive 87 resume

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Florin,

    I submitted a suitable implementation to VMMakerInbox for our records, see VMMaker.oscog-eem.2959.  Some time I'll try and test this to see if the issues are serious or not.

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 3:15 PM Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Florin,

    here's my comment in the implementation from 2010:

"Personally I would like to check MyList, which should not be one of the elements of the scheduler lists.
But there are awful race conditions in things like should:notTakeMoreThan: that mean we can't.
eem 9/27/2010 23:08. e.g.

So it appears that there may be issues that make it difficult to change the primitive.

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 4:05 PM Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

In the method Process>>resume, which invokes primitive 87, the comment states that the primitive should fail if the process is already waiting in a queue.
But the implementation does not do that. If we execute (inspect) the snippet:

| evaluationProcess result delay testProcess |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
testProcess := Processor activeProcess.
evaluationProcess := [
  delay unschedule.
  result := testProcess isBlocked.
  testProcess resume] fork.
delay wait.

it returns true (and no primitive failed error occurs), which means we successfully resumed a blocked (waiting on a semaphore) process.
I also checked in VMMaker and indeed, the code does not check if the process is on a queue or not before just putting it on a runnable list.

What do you think? Should the comment be changed or the implementation?


best, Eliot

best, Eliot
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Re: primitive 87 resume

Florin Mateoc-4
In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Eliot,

Indeed, that's where I discovered the anomaly - but I think that is not a good justification, that method looks bogus to me.
It does not actually need to resume anything, it should read

    evaluationProcess := [
        result := aBlock value.
        evaluated := true.
        delay signalWaitingProcess;
        ] forkNamed: 'Process to evaluate should: notTakeMoreThanMilliseconds:'.

instead of

    evaluationProcess := [
        result := aBlock value.
        evaluated := true.
        delay unschedule.
        testProcess resume ] forkNamed: 'Process to evaluate should: notTakeMoreThanMilliseconds:'.


On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 6:15 PM Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Florin,

    here's my comment in the implementation from 2010:

"Personally I would like to check MyList, which should not be one of the elements of the scheduler lists.
But there are awful race conditions in things like should:notTakeMoreThan: that mean we can't.
eem 9/27/2010 23:08. e.g.

So it appears that there may be issues that make it difficult to change the primitive.

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 4:05 PM Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

In the method Process>>resume, which invokes primitive 87, the comment states that the primitive should fail if the process is already waiting in a queue.
But the implementation does not do that. If we execute (inspect) the snippet:

| evaluationProcess result delay testProcess |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
testProcess := Processor activeProcess.
evaluationProcess := [
  delay unschedule.
  result := testProcess isBlocked.
  testProcess resume] fork.
delay wait.

it returns true (and no primitive failed error occurs), which means we successfully resumed a blocked (waiting on a semaphore) process.
I also checked in VMMaker and indeed, the code does not check if the process is on a queue or not before just putting it on a runnable list.

What do you think? Should the comment be changed or the implementation?


best, Eliot