primitive failed, 101

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primitive failed, 101

Gary Dunn-2
I was trying out the Event Recorder and when I click Play I get a
CursorWithMask error. This is on FreeBSD, Squeak 4.3.

beCursorWithMask: maskForm
        "Primitive. Tell the interpreter to use the receiver as the current
cursor image with the given mask Form. Both the receiver and the mask
should have extent 16@16 and a depth of one. The mask and cursor bits
are combined as follow:
                        mask cursor effect
                         0  0 transparent (underlying pixel shows through)
                         1  1 opaque black
                         1  0 opaque white
                         0  1 invert the underlying pixel"
"Essential. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."

        <primitive: 101>
        self primitiveFailed

Gary Dunn