Cherry, thank you for your suggestions! Comments below.
On Sep 24, 2009, at 3:35 AM, Cherry Withers wrote:
Hi Tim,
Initial feedback:
- When I hit the project ranking arrows for Karl's "Snake Game" it opens up the project file itself. I would have to then
close the entire window, go back to "sure I'll help" and see the ranking. This happened a couple of times before I can finally just
change the ranking "on the fly" without it opening up the project file itself.
This might be related to a bug I found late last night:
You can "watch" the issue if you'd like to see when it's fixed.
- Is there a way to just type in the number? With proper guidance on the side for what the min and max are. The screen seems to refresh
each time I click the arrows.
I considered that . . . ultimately we'll have multiple categories for subject, etc. Having that many fields would complicate things. I might be able to do a drop-down.
My goal was to have the numbers change in the database without the user needing to submit the form each time. I can get fancier with something called Ajax, but chose not to spend the time now.
I've logged your suggestion as:
- For projects that have global use, do we rank the regional portion zero?
I honestly don't know. I suspect most people will leave region alone, but I put in the vote thing to be consistent. This will likely make more sense when we get sub-regions added to the database.
- Can you possibly provide guidance on what a "fair" rating for each number means? For instance:
0-2 : Means the project meets an education requirement but is lacking adequate instructions for use.
3-5: The project meets several education requirements/standards but needs improvement on ease of use, etc.
etc. etc.
Sounds like a good task for the squeakland education team, or the larger community. I can include whatever people come up with in the ballot emails.
What do you think everyone? The numbers all go from -10 to 10 .... what should we suggest as criteria for rankers?
By the way, other known showcase bugs:
I'll be taking a break for a bit, but these should be easy fixes on Monday.
Take care,
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