I have also dreamed up an information storage scheme where each nugget of knowledge would be presented in a portal window (one way or another), and zillions of portal windows would be arranged around a central point in concentric spheres, with adequate space between the spheres for convenient viewing and some specialized controls for "zooming" between spherical levels. Some kind of position indication clues would also be good, such as a heads-up display of heading and distance vector from origin.
I have no clue how useful this would really be, but it seems to be an efficient packing method of placing lots of information in a 3D space, while allowing fairly intuitive visual navigation.
In fact, it seems to me that this kind of circular (in a ground-parallel plane) or spherical layout is a natural for easy viewing and selection of a group of portals, such as the Architect portals in the standard Jasmine Teapot demo space.