#shutDown: and OS events

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#shutDown: and OS events

Brian Brown-2
Hello list,

Is there a mechanism for Squeak to handle an OS request to exit, such  
as someone rebooting their machine? It seems that the #shutDown:  
machinery would not be triggered in that case and any image changes  
would be lost in those cases.

I understand that those changed items would be in the changes file;  
might it be possible to automatically recover them if desired for some  
subset of changes?

Any advice would be helpful!

- Brian

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Re: #shutDown: and OS events

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Brown <[hidden email]> writes:

Brian> Is there a mechanism for Squeak to handle an OS request to exit, such
Brian> as someone rebooting their machine? It seems that the #shutDown:
Brian> machinery would not be triggered in that case and any image changes
Brian> would be lost in those cases.

If you're talking about Unix, most versions of Unix that I've seen send a
SIGHUP to every process and wait a bit before actually shutting down.

You can set up a wait-for-SIGHUP with UnixProcess (part of OSProcess),
and take appropriate action when you see it.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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