something disabled shout in workspaces (?!?!?)

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something disabled shout in workspaces (?!?!?)

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

    I have the "Enable shout in workspaces" preference turned on (why on earth did it get turned off?).  And now there's no syntax highlighting in workspaces (something I rely upon).  What happened?
best, Eliot

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Re: something disabled shout in workspaces (?!?!?)

Stéphane Rollandin
>   (why on earth did it get turned off?).
Dunno but I do have it off, as my use of workspaces is rather
free-style, with nothing remotely ressembling syntactically correct code
from start to finish, and so in my use case shout makes the code/text a
real mess.


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Re: something disabled shout in workspaces (?!?!?)

Hi Eliot,

not sure what happened. The preferences change will not update already opened workspaces:


Am 09.10.2020 10:06:50 schrieb Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]>:

>  (why on earth did it get turned off?).
Dunno but I do have it off, as my use of workspaces is rather
free-style, with nothing remotely ressembling syntactically correct code
from start to finish, and so in my use case shout makes the code/text a
real mess.
