Message: 9
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:16:30 -0800
From: Andreas Raab <
[hidden email]>
Subject: [squeak-dev] Re: [Cuis] System-StartUp-ShutDown
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
[hidden email]>
Message-ID: <
[hidden email]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
keith wrote:
> What would you name the class which controls the "System", in terms of
> startUp/shutDown and saving the image, if you pulled that functionality
> out of Smalltalk? (Don't tell me, SmalltalkImage?)
StartupMananger. Class comment:
I am responsible for managing a registry of classes that are notified on
system startup and shutdown. Classes register themself by providing a
priority denoteing how early they should be started. Known priorities are:
xxx - Used by Delay. Should be the first class to start since otherwise
none of the timeing functions will work.
(... more to come ...)
- Andreas
I'm guessing your first language is not English, Andreas.
Rest assured though, your English is better than my whatever
your first language is.
Ralph Boland
Had a wife and kids in Florida, Jack (Nicklaus)
Went out for a "ride" but I couldn't get back
As a ten timer being hunted down
When the wife found out who I was knowing (biblically speaking)
I hit a hydrant and I just kept going.