squeak based music application

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squeak based music application

Posted this to the Seaside group a few days ago -
reposting here for anyone interested checking out
a Squeak-based music app

>A Squeak-based music remixer with a Seaside web GUI,
>is (intermittently) online at: http://tone23.org/qtone.
>Will hopefully be incorporated into a commercial site
>eventually, but for now this (alpha) version is there
>for the curious, running on my home machine (a 4-processor
>Aesthetically it's real simple (visually) so far, with
>some evident hacks owing to my limited experience with html
>and web apps. This was essentially an exercise at duplicating
>a desktop-based (Morphic) app in Seaside. (No facility for
>importing MIDI/audio files yet - only preset choices)

The output (for now) is MIDI - so your web browser will
need to have a plugin that handles MIDI. An upcoming
version will incorporate tagged audio loops, and produce
results as audio (MP3, etc).

Additional info for computer music geeks:
The software analyzes the note content of music
tracks drawn from disparate sources, and combines them
into a new piece after performing harmonic and rhythmic
manipulations to improve musical coherence, and to
produce variations.

In this version the domain is limited to a database
of groove-based music snippets that each consist of
some combination of drums, bass, lead, accompaniment,
and pad parts.

(and for ultra geeks)
The algorithms combine rule-based approaches, applies
well-formedness and preference rules for handling voices
and segments within parts, exploits connections between
binomial coefficents and rhythmic displacements in
contrapuntal voice leading, and various other approaches
from math and music theory. Genetic algorithms carry out
most of the optimizations (these have been ported to C++
via FFI for speed).

I'll try to keep the app online as much as possible,
as long as people seem to be using it - will hopefully
find a more reliable hosting solution soon.
Any problems/questions/comments/rants to [hidden email].
Thanks to anyone who plays with the software (and you
should also send me your name if you do so I can hopefully
provide free access to beta users if/when the thing goes

Jay Hardesty
[hidden email]

SqueakAudio mailing list
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Re: squeak based music application

Should have mentioned:  the web app looks best
on Safari if you've got a Mac - otherwise Firefox
and IE should work OK though there are some UI
problems - mostly aesthetic  (Will hopefully be
able to hire some pro web/seaside programming
support soon to get closer to a production version)

> Posted this to the Seaside group a few days ago -
> reposting here for anyone interested checking out
> a Squeak-based music app
>>A Squeak-based music remixer with a Seaside web GUI,
>>is (intermittently) online at: http://tone23.org/qtone.
>>Will hopefully be incorporated into a commercial site
>>eventually, but for now this (alpha) version is there
>>for the curious, running on my home machine (a 4-processor
>>Aesthetically it's real simple (visually) so far, with
>>some evident hacks owing to my limited experience with html
>>and web apps. This was essentially an exercise at duplicating
>>a desktop-based (Morphic) app in Seaside. (No facility for
>>importing MIDI/audio files yet - only preset choices)
> The output (for now) is MIDI - so your web browser will
> need to have a plugin that handles MIDI. An upcoming
> version will incorporate tagged audio loops, and produce
> results as audio (MP3, etc).
> Additional info for computer music geeks:
> The software analyzes the note content of music
> tracks drawn from disparate sources, and combines them
> into a new piece after performing harmonic and rhythmic
> manipulations to improve musical coherence, and to
> produce variations.
> In this version the domain is limited to a database
> of groove-based music snippets that each consist of
> some combination of drums, bass, lead, accompaniment,
> and pad parts.
> (and for ultra geeks)
> The algorithms combine rule-based approaches, applies
> well-formedness and preference rules for handling voices
> and segments within parts, exploits connections between
> binomial coefficents and rhythmic displacements in
> contrapuntal voice leading, and various other approaches
> from math and music theory. Genetic algorithms carry out
> most of the optimizations (these have been ported to C++
> via FFI for speed).
> I'll try to keep the app online as much as possible,
> as long as people seem to be using it - will hopefully
> find a more reliable hosting solution soon.
> Any problems/questions/comments/rants to [hidden email].
> Thanks to anyone who plays with the software (and you
> should also send me your name if you do so I can hopefully
> provide free access to beta users if/when the thing goes
> commercial)
> Jay Hardesty
> [hidden email]
> 646-537-5715
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> SqueakAudio mailing list
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Re: squeak based music application


oops - just got home and see that only a few people managed
to run the app before it crashed - still some problems to work out
in the web interface it looks like.

Well I'll just keep rebooting it until things get worked out, so just
try intermittently if the app seems to be down (or email if you're
having no luck at all)

Thanks again to anyone who checks it out

SqueakAudio mailing list
[hidden email]