[squeak-dev] [ANN] Register and contribute to ESUG Conference 2009

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[squeak-dev] [ANN] Register and contribute to ESUG Conference 2009

Noury Bouraqadi
Dear Smalltalk enthusiastics,

The registration to 17th edition of the ESUG Conference. So, you can  
already register and benefit from the early bird fees. Note that if  
your company is a gold or platinum sponsor, you have a discount (10%  
or 20%). More online:

The ESUG yearly event is the premier forum for meeting other Smalltalk  
practitioners from both industry and academia.
You can contribute to the event by giving a talk during the developers  
sessions, presenting a research paper during the workshop or demoing  
your software during the Innovation Technology Awards.
Developers can meet and contribute to free software projects during a  

Remember that by attending ESUG event, you support ESUG (a non-profit  
organization) and its actions for promoting Smalltalk.

See you in Brest,
ESUG treasurer
-ESUG 17th International Smalltalk Conference -  Brest, France, August  
31 - September 4, 2009

-17èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents  
(JFSMA’09). Lyon, 21-23 Octobre 2009