[squeak-dev] [Ann] Packages updated

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[squeak-dev] [Ann] Packages updated

Hello All,  (subject to squeaksource returning to life sometime today)

I have just updated Sake/Packages in order to simplify it while
retaining the same functionality.

In addition we enable projects which define their own package
definitions to be included. For example my seaside "Beach" project
maintains its own set of definitions, dependencies and documentation in
the package "Beach-Packages"

The goal is for Sake/Packages in Packages-Library (and similar packages)
to be able to maintain a list of every package, and what works where, in
a form that is easily browsable and editable. The same mechanism is
designed to be able to work for squeak, pharo, cuis, etoys, cobalt.
Sake/Packages simply uses existing code browsing tools, and is not
reliant upon a GUI.

There is one thing that I agree with Edgar on, and that is that I think
we do need Package Czar's, to maintain and test these package
definitions for the common good.

Any volunteers?


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Re: [squeak-dev] [Ann] Packages updated

Reg Krock
Out of curiosity, any idea how this compares with the work Dale Hendrichs
is doing with 'metacello' for Gemstone?

> Hello All,  (subject to squeaksource returning to life sometime today)
> I have just updated Sake/Packages in order to simplify it while
> retaining the same functionality.
> In addition we enable projects which define their own package
> definitions to be included. For example my seaside "Beach" project
> maintains its own set of definitions, dependencies and documentation in
> the package "Beach-Packages"
> The goal is for Sake/Packages in Packages-Library (and similar packages)
> to be able to maintain a list of every package, and what works where, in
> a form that is easily browsable and editable. The same mechanism is
> designed to be able to work for squeak, pharo, cuis, etoys, cobalt.
> Sake/Packages simply uses existing code browsing tools, and is not
> reliant upon a GUI.
> There is one thing that I agree with Edgar on, and that is that I think
> we do need Package Czar's, to maintain and test these package
> definitions for the common good.
> Any volunteers?
> Keith