On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 11:20 -0300, Germán Arduino wrote:
> May be this tutorial
http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/ can help you.
> Cheers.
Thanks. I've been working through that one. I'm up to section one, step
ten, so I still have a long way to go. My concern is that this example
creates a game, but I am interested in more practical applications and I
thought maybe it did not go into that kind of user interface. I answered
some of my concerns by spending a few hours exploring Morpic code in the
system browser, enough to convince me that the capability is there. I
just need to spend more time learning to use all this stuff.
I have another question, but I'll put that in a separate post. Thanks
again for your encouragement.
Gary Dunn, Honolulu
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