Great to see Eliot fixes about the closure Compiler (mainly Debugger
and Decompiler fixes if I understand).
However I can see at least two Pharo bug reports currently not fixed
in trunk (see below)
Is this expected, or is trunk out of date wrt Eliot's version ?
From:| x y |
[:a :b | x := a. y := b. x+y] decompile.
(Compiler evaluate: '| x y |
[:a :b | x := a. y := b. x+y]') decompile.
Both leads to a MNU
TempVariableNode doesNotUnderstand: #remoteTemps
From: 2 3) do: [:i | #(4 5 6) do: [:j |
thisContext tempsAndValuesLimitedTo: 80 indent: 2]].
Fails with an index out of bounds...
This is sent from Debugger>>#storeLog