[squeak-dev] Completed audit comparing trunk as of today (7/3/09) to 3.10.2 release as represented by update stream

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[squeak-dev] Completed audit comparing trunk as of today (7/3/09) to 3.10.2 release as represented by update stream

Ken Causey-3
I have completed my audit through the update stream between 7159 and
7179 checking the current status of trunk.  The only issues I find:

1. 7161 - method categorized as BabySRE extension method and so packaged
in seperate package not loaded.  Move into proper category and mark as
deprecated?  As an additional data point, this method exists in
3.10-7159 but not in a *BabySRE extension category.

2. 7161 - Do-it to refresh objects flap not 'done'.

3. Version number.  Policy still to be discussed.

Otherwise it looks OK to me...

Oh, ran the tests, one new failure


for some reason it seems that the now is not reliably less than or equal
to now.  Looks like a pain to track down to me.  Any takers?


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[squeak-dev] Re: Completed audit comparing trunk as of today (7/3/09) to 3.10.2 release as represented by update stream

[Sorry folks I'm being brief here because I'm posting while waiting on
my flight and the number of messages in my inbox is long...]

Thanks Ken. This audit is really helpful. I think the BabySRE extension
is non-critical and we either ignore it (no senders) or move it into a
more appropriate category.

The DoIt is interesting since it raises the question whether we need a
general "reset to factory defaults" button that reinitializes pretty
much anything that we expect to be current in any image we care about. I
can't imagine that someone hasn't done something along these lines
already - any takers?

Lastly, Version number. My proposal is to use the date of the newest
trunk package. This is a policy that we use at work (i.e., choose the
newest date amongst the packages that come out of the core repositories)
which allows to have other packages alongside them. I'm not wed to that
proposal though; alternatives are very welcome.

   - Andreas

Ken Causey wrote:

> I have completed my audit through the update stream between 7159 and
> 7179 checking the current status of trunk.  The only issues I find:
> 1. 7161 - method categorized as BabySRE extension method and so packaged
> in seperate package not loaded.  Move into proper category and mark as
> deprecated?  As an additional data point, this method exists in
> 3.10-7159 but not in a *BabySRE extension category.
> 2. 7161 - Do-it to refresh objects flap not 'done'.
> 3. Version number.  Policy still to be discussed.
> Otherwise it looks OK to me...
> Oh, ran the tests, one new failure
> TimeTest>>#testGeneralInquiries
> for some reason it seems that the now is not reliably less than or equal
> to now.  Looks like a pain to track down to me.  Any takers?
> Ken
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------