[squeak-dev] Cuis update (and separate goodies available)

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[squeak-dev] Cuis update (and separate goodies available)

Juan Vuletich-4
Hi Folks,

I've just uploaded http://www.jvuletich.org/Cuis/Cuis1.0-0166.zip . The
biggest news is that I removed the 'Old' prefix from Morph classes. This
means that it will be much easier to load packages and share code with
other distros. If you load some Squeak package and you find that it
works ok (or not) please let me know. I'll keep lists of packages names
known to work and known to fail in Cuis.

I also changed fonts to use just 16bpp and not 32. The difference is
invisible to my eyes, and they use half the space. And I fixed the
#isMorphic bug reported by Klaus.

I also uploaded http://www.jvuletich.org/Cuis/CuisUpdatesUpTo0166.zip .
This file includes the change sets of the last year. I don't have older
ones available in cs form, but most goodies and tweaks that could be
useful for other Squeak distributions are here. This
http://www.jvuletich.org/Cuis/CategoriesAndChangeSets.txt is the detail
of which changesets belong to which of the following categories:
- Rename class and update references goodie
- Process scheduling enh
- MessageTally enh
- Logging and ChangeSet enhancements
- Dan's == with SmallIntegers
- Affected class categories goodie
- Protocol Catcher goodie
- Nicer Cursors
- Chronology enh
- Parser enh
- ProgressBar enh
- Text cleanup and refactoring
- NiceFonts
- Code authorship and relicensing
- Focus navigation and enh
- Pointer explorer goodie
- Code evaluation fixes
- Remote cursor sender goodie
- Semaphores, Delays and Processes
- Misc goodies and lesser tweaks
- Cleanup
- Morphic / LightWidgets

I hope you find this useful.

Juan Vuletich