Cuis updates
What about you have a update folder and a button in your image for any could have last things ?
For Cuis, this following work but I have troubles, as I think you change name of important classes.
Utilities class methodsFor: 'fetching updates' stamp: 'edc 4/20/2009 10:19' prior: 38205565!
"Utilities cuisUpdates "
| numero updateDirectory count fileNamesInOrder |
numero := (ChangeSorter highestNumberedChangeSet + 1) .
updateDirectory := FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'CuisUpdates'.
count := 0.
fileNamesInOrder := updateDirectory entries
select: [:c | c name asInteger > numero]
thenCollect: [:any | any].
fileNamesInOrder do:
[:aFileName | (updateDirectory readOnlyFileNamed: aFileName name) fileIntoNewChangeSet.
count := count + 1].
PopUpMenu inform: count asString , ' new update file(s) processed.'.
SystemVersion current registerUpdate: ChangeSorter highestNumberedChangeSet
Great job, I taking my old funny things and convert to Cuis ASAP, starting project SqueakRailRoad.
Los cuises vivían al lado de las vias de los trenes alguna vez ....
http://www.fotosaves.com.ar/FotosMamiferos/FotosRodentia.html for the curious the animal is Cavy Cavia Pamparum, but Cuis is shorter :=)