[squeak-dev] Do-its in trunk

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[squeak-dev] Do-its in trunk

Ken Causey-3
Another issue with update 7160 as represented currently in trunk.  One
of the issues addressed with this update was


and it was addressed with a do-it, one of the conveniences of
changesets.  It appears that this do-it was left behind in the
conversion as the report is now valid again.  How would I go about
addressing that?


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Re: [squeak-dev] Do-its in trunk

Ken Causey-3
Again, I should have said 7161


On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 15:47 -0500, Ken Causey wrote:

> Another issue with update 7160 as represented currently in trunk.  One
> of the issues addressed with this update was
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6793
> and it was addressed with a do-it, one of the conveniences of
> changesets.  It appears that this do-it was left behind in the
> conversion as the report is now valid again.  How would I go about
> addressing that?
> Ken

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