[squeak-dev] DotNet problem

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[squeak-dev] DotNet problem

I am trying to reproduce something similar tot he following VB code,
using the Squeak DotNet bridge.

retVal = someObject.nSetValue("Comment$","Debit Amount")
retVal = some.nSetValue("DebitAmount", 200)

The first line works, but the second line doesn't. It reports that the
method is Missing.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: [squeak-dev] DotNet problem

Simon Kirk-4
Hi - I presume your VB object has been wrapped with .NET interop?

On 14 May 2009, at 19:36, Keith Hodges wrote:

> I am trying to reproduce something similar tot he following VB code,
> using the Squeak DotNet bridge.
> retVal = someObject.nSetValue("Comment$","Debit Amount")
> retVal = some.nSetValue("DebitAmount", 200)
> The first line works, but the second line doesn't. It reports that the
> method is Missing.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Keith

Consider your responsibility to the environment - think before you print!

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Re: [squeak-dev] DotNet problem

Simon Kirk wrote:
> Hi - I presume your VB object has been wrapped with .NET interop?
I have no idea, it's as it comes.
