1. Approximately, how much time do you plan on spending on Squeak during the coming year (in any kind of unit)? My company is concentrating this year on building a presence in the Smalltalk world, mostly through the promotion of cross-platform web frameworks such as Seaside. This goal requires that I create and deliver talks, courses, blog entries, and publications on Smalltalk-related items in a major way. I see Squeak as an essential component of that effort, and will be spending at least one or two days a week completely immersed in understanding Squeak code, writing Squeak code for the core and for separate packages, and writing about Squeak. 2. What are in your mind the three most important issues (not necessarily technical) we need to address in the coming year? * Get Squeak's license resolved. * Leverage off of Ruby's success to relaunch Smalltalk for webapps. * Get the mismash of add-on mechanisms resolved: Adding items to Squeak should be as easy (or easier) than installing CPAN modules. 3. What is your view on fund raising and how any such collected money should be dealt with? Needs should be identified *before* money requests are made. Funding a specific project always results in a far more receptive audience. Heck, as Stonehenge, I've contributed some major cash to specific projects, and very little to "general funds". I've founded a few non-profits over the years, including launching short-lived Perl Institute and the follow-on PerlMongers, and have been involved peripherally with the Perl Foundation. I also have worked with 18 of the Fortune 100, so I have a pretty clear idea about how corps want to deal with outside non-profit organizations. 4. What is your view on the ongoing process of making SqueakFoundation a not-for-profit legal entity? SqF should *not* be a separate charitable organization... it takes far too much time and effort to do that, for very little gain. SqF should be under some umbrella organization that can handle individual donations. However, SqF *should* get (or continue to maintain) legal designation as a "non-profit", which allows certain donations from corporations to be received directly. And this will be necessary for project-based contributions (see #3). 5. Do you think the Team model is appropriate for organising our efforts or should we come up with something else? According to the Screen Director's Guild, a movie has always only one director. That's because, ultimately, there will be lower level conflicts, and it takes arbitration to resolve it ultimately, and this is the Director's role. The director also always holds the "vision" of the entire project, and can communicate that as needed. In this case, Squeak needs a "benevolent dictator" to make the ultimate choices, but will most certainly delegate most of the actual work to trustable lieutenants. Squeak-by-committee will stagnate and be equally useless to everyone. I don't see the Dictator role as a permanent one, but it's definitely a necessary role, and should be filled. In the Perl world, Larry Wall is the ultimate "BD", but every Perl release has a "Pumpking", which has very clear authority to resolve any issues as they see fit. Squeak needs this. 6. Do you have any specific views on how the Squeak board and the Squeak community should work together with the Squeak satellite communities (Croquet, Seaside, Sophie, Squeakland, Scratch etc), also referred to as "stakeholder communities"? Clearly, each of these communities has separate needs and desires. They should be willing to provide their part of the puzzle, but the Squeak core must provide the basic mechanisms and extension paths to support the majority of these communities. 7. The squeak.org release is our most important asset. How do you see it evolving over the next few years? I'd like to see something like Perlmonks erupt somewhere. It's an amazing asset. "Squeakmonks" would not be a replacement for mailing lists and newsgroups, but a good google-viewed database of questions and answers and corrected answers, with some incentive to provide correct answers, would be very useful to the Squeak community. Most of what I know about Squeak I got from folklore... it'd be nice if that folklore could be passed on in a googleable way. 8. Do you have any thoughts on the current relicensing effort? It's mandatory. And for my purposes, it's mandatory that it be licensed with an MIT or BSD style license, so that my customers can continue to develop applications in Squeak and deploy it in commercial environments that would be perhaps open-source hostile. 9. How would you like Squeak to be positioned in the open source world in year 2012? If my efforts are fruitful, RubyOnRails will be gone. Everyone will be using Seaside or Aida or the nextgen of that. :) 10. What do you see as the overall role of the board? Leadership. This means listening to the needs, and finding ways to get the problems out of the way, so that the contributors can get their job done. It also means advocacy and marketing, so that Squeak is seen as a viable choice for projects. -- Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 <[hidden email]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc. See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training! |
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