Am 29.09.2008 um 12:33 schrieb Ricardo Moran:
> >Hi Kemal,
> >it's part of the Etoys philosophy to have only a single class of
> player. For example, you can change the costume (the morph) of a
> player dynamically, so the player needs to have the vocabular to
> serve all the >different costumes it could wear. This would break if
> you create specialized subclasses of Player.
> >Btw, in Smalltalk adding extension methods to other classes is not
> considered as "intrusive" as in other languages.
> >Hth,
> >- Bert -
> I don't understand. What is the best option for making morphs
> scriptable?
> 1. Extend Player
> or
> 2. Create a subclass of Player and add the method #newPlayerInstance
> to the morph which returns the correct instance of Player (DiceMorph
> and CalculatorMorph do this)
> What problems could cause the second option?
As I mentioned above, if a user changes the custom of a player from
DiceMorph to CalculatorMorph then the method calls will break.
I have no idea who created Dice and Calc but these are bad good
examples if they subclass Player.
- Bert -