Dear Squeakers,
Jim Coplien and I have published an article on Bill Venners' discussion
forum. Here's a quote from the article:
"Somewhere along the line, statically typed languages got the upper
hand, supported by software engineering. One important aspect of static
type system analysis was the class: a construct that allowed the
compiler to generate efficient code for method lookup and polymorphism.
Even Smalltalk, whose initial vision of objects and a dynamic run-time
environment was truly visionary, fell victim to the class compromise.
The class became the implementation tool for the analysis concept
called an object. This switch from dynamics to statics was the
beginning of the end for capturing dynamic behavior."
It would be great with responses from the squeak community,
particularly from Trait experts (and Traits haters? DCI depends on
-------- Original Message --------
Hi All,
I'm happy to announce that we've published Trygve's and James's
article, The DCI Architecture: A New Vision of Object-Oriented
If you have time, please keep an eye on the discussion forum the next
few days. I'm hoping we'll get some critiques and questions, and it
would help to have multiple voices who are more familiar with the
concepts responding. The discussion forum topic for it the article is