Hi All,
I've created a project on Squeaksource for an extension to Glorp to
integrate with PostGIS. So far it works for simple point geometries. The
repository is globally writeable and I'm interested in your feedback.
To run the unit tests you will need a Postgres database with PostGIS
installed. Modify PGTestResource>>setUpLogin with the database details.
Note that the application can work in a different coordinate system than
the database type. Conversion will be done automatically. Here is an
example of usage.
TubeDescriptorSystem>>tableForTUBESTATION: aTable
(aTable createFieldNamed: 'id' type: platform sequence) bePrimaryKey.
aTable createFieldNamed: 'longitude' type: platform float.
aTable createFieldNamed: 'latitude' type: platform float.
createFieldNamed: 'point'
type: (platform point: 32661 dimensions: 2)
TubeStation>>longitude: aLongitude latitude: aLatitude
longitude := longitude
latitude := latitude
point := PGPoint x: longitude y: latitude srid: 4326.
" FYI, Highbury is closest to Angel "
holloway := TubeStation longitude: -0.11278 latitude: 51.5529.
highbury := TubeStation longitude: -0.10752 latitude: 51.54502.
angel := TubeStation longitude: -0.10579 latitude: 51.53253.
session inUnitOfWorkDo: [
session register: highbury.
session register: holloway.
session register: angel.
" This returns highbury "
readOneOf: TubeStation
[:e | (e point distanceTo: angel point) between: 1000 and: 2000]
" This returns angel and highbury "
readManyOf: TubeStation
[:e | e point distanceTo: angel point within: 2000].
" This returns angel, highbury then holloway "
readManyOf: TubeStation
orderBy: [:e | e point distanceTo: angel point].
One thing to watch out for is you shouldn't use PGPoint objects directly
- or should be careful. Although they are converted to the correct SRID
when saved, the instance variable is not updated until the object is