[squeak-dev] [Help] Looking for unit tests and use cases for goodie and changeset fileout

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[squeak-dev] [Help] Looking for unit tests and use cases for goodie and changeset fileout

Jerome Peace

Recently on the Pharo list there have been some complains of loosing code when filing out change sets.

In 3.10 changeset code was augmented to show which package catagory a method fell into. This is essential if coders are to know how MC and the changeset will interact.

Those changes mucked with some of the fundamental ivar assumptions. And while I thought I caught them all I know of at least two that slipped by.

To safely work on the code it would be nice to have regression tests in place. For that I would like to know if anyone thought of the use cases that need to be tested or any actual unit test code that might exist.

What I am hoping for is for each type of thing that could be filed out, a way to test that changes to the code do not change the final fileout behavior. Then I can confidently do some refactoring.

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace