[squeak-dev] Ideas about shrink more MinimalMorphic

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[squeak-dev] Ideas about shrink more MinimalMorphic

Edgar J. De Cleene
Ideas about shrink more MinimalMorphic Working side to side with Cuis, SqueakLightII and MinimalMorphic I found:

SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(#PluggableTabButtonMorph #DropDownChoiceMorph #LedTimerMorph #TickIndicatorMorph  #SimpleSwitchMorph #DumberMenuMorph #PluggableMultiColumnListMorphByItem #FloatingBookControlsMorph #BasicButton #PianoRollScoreMorph #ListComponent #EToyProjectDetailsMorph #StringButtonMorph #CircleMorph  #ScaleMorph  #FunctionComponent #PrintComponent #SquishedNameMorph #FlexMorph #ClickExerciser #TransitionMorph) under: 'Morphic-NotInCuis'.

(MCPackage named: 'Morphic-NotInCuis') unload.

So what’s the criteria?

Morph allSubclasses in all.
List of classes with allCallsOn size = 0 and allSubclasses size = 0
And manual select some sure at some time you need.

Anyway, both SqueakLightII and MinimalMorphic could load classes from repository if need to


You know 3.10 don’t have .mp3 and .mpg play right ? And how you have this again ?

The .mov shows the pre-alpha of this, how drag and drop a .morph coming from any 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10 image and asking to reload “missed” classes from server.
No need of know nothing about Monticello or repositories...
