[squeak-dev] [JSqueak][ANN] Potato aka JSqueak Repository

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[squeak-dev] [JSqueak][ANN] Potato aka JSqueak Repository

Robert Krahn

We recently created a SVN repository for our extended version of JSqueak. 

This version is named Potato (like the original VM) and includes a lot of improvements:
- support for 32 bit color depth
- calling Java (in the moment only for strings and integers)
- refactored code
- consistent use of Java libraries
- removed redundancy
- added a dynamic object table (for loading big images)
- support for little and big endianness
- loading of unzipped images
- fixed lots of bugs and improved usability.

Potato is available here:

We plan further improvements like:
- adding support for 8 and 16 bit color depth
- implementing BitBlt warp functionality
- enhancing BitBlt implementation ("tryCopyingBitsQuickly", blending)
- adding save image functionality
- implementing additional primitives
- being able to support current images
- extending Java access
- finding and removing bugs.

You are welcome to participate!

Best regards,
Frank Feinbube, Robert Wierschke, Robert Krahn