[squeak-dev] Karatsuba multiplication in a plugin using slang, is it doable ?

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[squeak-dev] Karatsuba multiplication in a plugin using slang, is it doable ?

Nicolas Cellier-3

Karatsuba algorithm is a simple divide and conquer algorithm to fast up
LargeInteger multiplications which is worth above a few thousand bits.
(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm).

I would like to implement it in the LargeIntegersPlugin,
- the algorithm is recursive
- it will create short-lived LargeIntegers at each recursion

So that makes me wonder if it is really doable in a plugin in slang,
given that relocation might occur and mess the pointers...

The idea to handle the algorithm in pure C is just so boring...
(in which case, it would be simpler to handcraft a GMP plugin).

Any advice?

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Re: [squeak-dev] Karatsuba multiplication in a plugin using slang, is it doable ?

Yoshiki Ohshima-2
At Fri, 04 Jul 2008 03:43:09 +0200,
nicolas cellier wrote:

> Karatsuba algorithm is a simple divide and conquer algorithm to fast up
> LargeInteger multiplications which is worth above a few thousand bits.
> (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm).
> I would like to implement it in the LargeIntegersPlugin,
> But:
> - the algorithm is recursive
> - it will create short-lived LargeIntegers at each recursion
> So that makes me wonder if it is really doable in a plugin in slang,
> given that relocation might occur and mess the pointers...
> The idea to handle the algorithm in pure C is just so boring...
> (in which case, it would be simpler to handcraft a GMP plugin).

  Properly putting the pushRemappableOop:/popRemappableOop pair around
the allocation of LargeInt and it should work, as long as the depth of
the remapBuffer doesn't exceed 25.

  Or, you can pass an Array as a buffer (whose size can be calculated
beforehand, I think) from the image and stick the temporary LargeInts
to that buffer.

  It would be convenient if we had a simple interface for


to have the doFill argument be false for arbitrary class.  Right now,
the memory region allocated will be written twice (0's and then the
computed result).  That would be a limiting factor.

-- Yoshiki