[squeak-dev] Let's push it

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Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Let's push it

Just on November 30 of 2008, before the end of SqueakPeople site, I
saved the data on my
SqueakPeopleStatistics hobbistic app:

Hope be useful now.


2009/6/30 Juan Vuletich <[hidden email]>:

> Klaus D. Witzel wrote:
>> ...
>> In a "normal" project, I would rule out "master" people who have _not_
>> committed a bug fix within the last 12 months (even if that would rule out
>> me, of course ;)
>> If this community restarts, it can equally well restart from where every
>> newbee starts, to show how it works, to demonstrate committment, to everyone
>> who cares.
>> But I doubt that my proposal will be implemented.
>> /Klaus
> Tried to get to the masters list. www.squeak.org/Community points to
> people.squeakfoundation.org But it is no longer there... Can anybody advise?
> Anyway, last time I read it, it included a lot of people who hasn't been in
> this community for over 5 years, and people who never contributed a single
> piece of code. On the other hand, many hard working and valuable people are
> at the journeyer level.
> We need a better list of valuable contributors.
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich