[squeak-dev] MorphicSyntax

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[squeak-dev] MorphicSyntax


With Compiler-ar.71 MorphicSyntax related messages were removed. So
MorphicSyntax display is broken in the class browser. This is because
it was planned to be removed completely anyway in a next cycle? Cuis
and Pharo don't offer it anymore. Is there some changeset or the like
that we could reuse for that purpose? Who was/is using this anyhow? It
is still in the etoys image, but is it in active use someplace?


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[squeak-dev] Re: MorphicSyntax

Alexander Lazarević wrote:
> With Compiler-ar.71 MorphicSyntax related messages were removed. So
> MorphicSyntax display is broken in the class browser. This is because
> it was planned to be removed completely anyway in a next cycle? Cuis
> and Pharo don't offer it anymore. Is there some changeset or the like
> that we could reuse for that purpose? Who was/is using this anyhow? It
> is still in the etoys image, but is it in active use someplace?

Universal Tiles (the official name) haven't been used in ages. They are
currently on my short list for removal because they are introducing some
deep and entirely unnecessary dependencies between the tools and
specific Morphic/Etoys classes.

If you are looking for helping in this area, start from CodeHolder's
usage of contentsSymbol == #tiles (browse sender of #tiles to find these
and more) and then carefully work your way outwards by fixing or
removing methods and references.

   - Andreas