On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Gary Dunn
<[hidden email]> wrote:
What makes a plugable morph plugable? In terms of building apps, what is the significance of being plugable? Do plugable morphs work especially well as a team?
Pluggable refers to the parameterisation of some MVC or Morphic component's communication to the model so that the selectors it uses to set/get state are parameters and internally the component uses perform: et al to apply the selectors to the model. e.g. look at implementors and senders of #getText: in Monticello and you'll see PluggableTextSpecs (from which PluggableTextMorphPlus instances are built) being created with text accessors such as #verrsionName #logMessage & plain old #text. In olden days one used to use subclasses that would implement state accessors with direct message sends of the relevant selectors. The pluggable style cut down on a proliferation of classes.
Gary Dunn, Honolulu
[hidden email]
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