[squeak-dev] Re: [ANN] Tutorial: build a custom VM/app/setup for Win32

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[squeak-dev] Re: [ANN] Tutorial: build a custom VM/app/setup for Win32

Torsten Bergmann
>Thanks! It's now up on http://squeakvm.org/win32/custom.html (also
>linked directly from http://squeakvm.org/win32/).
>   - Andreas

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for uploading! If your time permits it would be nice if
you can include a short section on how to catch cmd/. to provide
a login dialog (like the qwaq image has) or other tips you may
know from your product.

This would help people deploy the application but still access
the dev tools in production situations. Something that is AFAIK only
possible in Smalltalk.

Another question: did you already integrate my suggestion for
the version ressource in the *.rc file of the VM build?


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[squeak-dev] Re: [ANN] Tutorial: build a custom VM/app/setup for Win32

Torsten Bergmann wrote:
> Thanks for uploading! If your time permits it would be nice if
> you can include a short section on how to catch cmd/. to provide
> a login dialog (like the qwaq image has) or other tips you may
> know from your product.

That's easy: You install a custom user interrupt handler. In our case
all it does is signaling a Tweak signal in the main UI and the UI takes
that signal and offers the interrupt dialog. If you know the magic word
(no it's not Sesame ;-) it allows you to do a couple of unusual things.
The interrupt password itself is stored MD5-encoded in the image (so
it's not easily sniffable).

Another thing we do is install a global error handler
(SystemErrorHandler default) that is used if no exception handler is
active, and no per-process handler has been set. This allows handling
errors in any processes anywhere.

Both of these are available in Croquet btw; check out
InputSensor>>installInterruptWatcher: and Process>>handleError: /

> Another question: did you already integrate my suggestion for
> the version ressource in the *.rc file of the VM build?

*sheepishly* I keep forgetting that. Send me a makefile which uses it or
something so that I am forced to set it properly ;-)

   - Andreas

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Re: [squeak-dev] Re: [ANN] Tutorial: build a custom VM/app/setup for Win32

Igor Stasenko
2009/7/24 Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>:

> Torsten Bergmann wrote:
>> Thanks for uploading! If your time permits it would be nice if
>> you can include a short section on how to catch cmd/. to provide
>> a login dialog (like the qwaq image has) or other tips you may
>> know from your product.
> That's easy: You install a custom user interrupt handler. In our case all it
> does is signaling a Tweak signal in the main UI and the UI takes that signal
> and offers the interrupt dialog. If you know the magic word (no it's not
> Sesame ;-) it allows you to do a couple of unusual things. The interrupt
> password itself is stored MD5-encoded in the image (so it's not easily
> sniffable).
Squeak is so powerful, that by adding a few lines of code, one can
make the login/password be validated using secure web services , and
only then permit you to go & do unusual things :)

> Another thing we do is install a global error handler (SystemErrorHandler
> default) that is used if no exception handler is active, and no per-process
> handler has been set. This allows handling errors in any processes anywhere.
> Both of these are available in Croquet btw; check out
> InputSensor>>installInterruptWatcher: and Process>>handleError: /
> UnhandledError>>defaultAction.

>> Another question: did you already integrate my suggestion for the version
>> ressource in the *.rc file of the VM build?
> *sheepishly* I keep forgetting that. Send me a makefile which uses it or
> something so that I am forced to set it properly ;-)
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.