Debugging slow browsers
from thread:
[squeak-dev] Squeak 3.9 alpha image wanted
Hi Matthias,
With your benchmark I started a search among my collection of 3.9 alphas.
The slowdown started at update 6685..6686 and can be seen in the 6686 image.
It is absent in the 6684 image. Details are on mantis:
2084 Each overlaping browser slows down screen updates considerably.
Caching the image would speed things up. guess seems likely to be correct.
The translucent gradient was intoduced at this point.
It probably requires everything below the browser to be redrawn.
The pane-splitters were also introduced here.
They proably add to the complexity of redrawing.
Good luck in hunting down the solution.
Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace
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