[squeak-dev] Re: SqueakDBx

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[squeak-dev] Re: SqueakDBx

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Stefan Izota <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

I did not find any SqueakDBX mailing list so I decided to mail you a small problem I have.

No, we don't have our own mailing list, but I think sending your question to squeak-dev or pharo list is ok.


I tried to test SqueakDBX on latest Squeak (3.10.2-7179) and Pharo (10309 updated to 10310) images. I also used the latest VMs.
I compiled postgreSQL and SQLite back-ends on Windows XP using MinGW.
The dll-s resulted are: libopendbx-1.dll, libopendbxplus-1.dll, libpgsqlbackend-1.dll, libsqlite3backend-1.dll. I copied them to the VMs directories.

For postgreSQL i used:

| conn connectionSettings result aRow |
  connectionSettings := DBXConnectionSettings
      host: 'localhost'
      port: '5432'
      database: 'StDatabase'
      userName: 'postgres'
      userPassword: 'akimbo'.
     conn := DBXConnection platform: DBXPostgresPlatform new settings: connectionSettings.
conn connect.
conn open.

result := conn execute: 'insert into sttask (taskname) VALUES (''stefan'') '.
result := conn execute: 'select * from stuser'.
aRow := result nextRow.
aRow inspect.

conn close.
conn disconnect.

and everything worked fine.

I am glad to know it is working :)


For SQLite i used:

| conn connSettings result rows |

connSettings := DBXConnectionSettings new
  host: 'D:\sqlite\db\';
  database: 'test.db'.

connSettings inspect.

conn := DBXConnection
  platform: DBXSqlitePlatform new
  settings: connSettings.
conn connect.
conn open.

result := conn execute: 'select * from users'.
rows := result rows.
rows inspect.

conn close.
conn disconnect.

and I got DBXFatalError: FATAL OpenDBX: Operation is not available (on both images).

Yes. This is a bug I discover in OpenDBX. Norbert (the author) has fix it and comitted in SVN. So, you can do two things:

1) checkout from svn: https://libopendbx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/libopendbx/trunk/
And compile again as you did the first time. This fix will be then in OpenDBX 1.4.1 (which is not released yet)

2) I will send you the dll I compile by myself if you want it.


I can open/modifiy the SQLite db using http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de/ just fine.

Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong?

Nothing. Your code is perfect. Our fault.


I hope this helps.


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[squeak-dev] Re: SqueakDBx

Mariano Martinez Peck

and I got DBXFatalError: FATAL OpenDBX: Operation is not available (on both images).

Yes. This is a bug I discover in OpenDBX. Norbert (the author) has fix it and comitted in SVN. So, you can do two things:

I must clarify that this only occurs in Windows with sqlite3.

