[squeak-dev] Re: need help building one-click squeak app for Windows

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[squeak-dev] Re: need help building one-click squeak app for Windows

Torsten Bergmann
For Win32 it would be better to create a typical
windows installer (setup.exe or setup.msi) which
is what most people expect (yes there are windows
user who dont know about zip ;)

It's easy to create, I've done one using the NSIS
(Nullsoft scriptable install system) to build a setup
for the latest pharo.

See my short HOWTO on the pharo list, which
is also accessible from my blog posting [1].

The latest pharo can be tested on Windows by using
such a setup (see [2]). Use at your own risk ;)

Would be easy to provide the same for Squeak - currently
it is done manually. Would be easier if one could provide
a windows build machine with net access to automate it.

On the other hand a "one-click" leaves no traces on
the system when you delete the directory ;)


[1] http://astares.blogspot.com/2009/05/pharo-preview-setup-for-windows.html
[2] https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/22428/setup_pharo_0.0.0.4.exe

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[squeak-dev] Re: need help building one-click squeak app for Windows

Torsten Bergmann wrote:
> For Win32 it would be better to create a typical
> windows installer (setup.exe or setup.msi) which
> is what most people expect (yes there are windows
> user who dont know about zip ;)

Agreed. But since the question was about one-click I thought I'd respond
to that ;-)

> It's easy to create, I've done one using the NSIS
> (Nullsoft scriptable install system) to build a setup
> for the latest pharo.

Personally, I prefer Advanced Installer[1] since it creates MSIs and has
both a nice interactive environment as well as a scriptable form (i.e.,
it integrates nicely into the rest of the build process). You should
give it a shot - it's a really great product, it has a free version and
if you're making real products the professional version is definitely
worth having.

[1] http://www.advancedinstaller.com/

> Would be easy to provide the same for Squeak - currently
> it is done manually. Would be easier if one could provide
> a windows build machine with net access to automate it.

I haven't looked at your install but one thing that I never quite got is
how the whole Smalltalk image model plays into this. Considering that
the installation location for an application is generally read-only I'm
not sure what the whole process means unless one installs an end-user
application. Or do Pharo users not save their images?

   - Andreas