[squeak-dev] Re: need help building one-click squeak app for Windows

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[squeak-dev] Re: need help building one-click squeak app for Windows

Torsten Bergmann
Andreas wrote:
>One thing that one could do (and would be very cool) is to write a
>little shell extension that presents only the image files in a directory
>and link that to the start menu.

Last time I wrote shell extensions was in C++ and later ST/MT.
Horrible COM interfaces and hard to use since it constantly crashed
the explorer if done the wrong way. I dont think it is worth the
effort especially since windows start menue has changed from XP to
Vista. I'm sure the COM interfaces are still compatible but anyway
not worth the time since someone has to write and maintain it.
(dont know if the Squeak OCX is still maintained - but I think not
otherwise people would use Squeak in the browser instead of flash
or javafx ;)

You said Smalltalk images do not play nicely with the start menu.
For me there is no problem ... after using the setup I've done
you can click on the icon in the start menu which is associated
with the VM. If there is only one image (default) it directly opens.

If you saved a second one and click the icon again the file
selection folder comes up and you can select the image you want.
It's just one click more compared to a list of images in the
start menu and a simple solution that works.

>Agreed. Statements like these are not acceptable. But it really does go
>both ways, you know.

Agree ... both sides have people who should learn how to express.
And since I love and use Squeak since 1.0 I followed the discussions
 with it's ups and downs.

But anyway, that does not mean that Squeak or Pharo or the whole
community is bad. As I (and others) said I feel part of both and would
like to see them grow.

>My hope is to fully integrate it. It's one of the smallest, definitely
>the fastest, and probably the best structured kernel that have been

So anything required to move forward is the stripping code
and put it into the update stream?

>So true. A killer app, or some other highly "in" topic. We should use
>images for cloud computing; this would be such an obvious thing to do...

Did you see Ernests work: http://blog.doit.st/

Have fun