[squeak-dev] Setting desktop color.

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[squeak-dev] Setting desktop color.

R. Clayton
I've written a class method I use to configure new images.  I'd like to have
the method set the desktop set to black, but I can't figure out how to do
that.  I've looked at the changeColorTarget message in Morph, but after that I
get lost in the ColorPickerMorph (which I'm guessing is unnecessary because the
color's already picked).  What is the code needed to set the desktop to black?

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RE: [squeak-dev] Setting desktop color.

Sebastian Sastre-2
 What is the code needed to set the
> desktop to black?

I've used to use this some time ago:

        "**********  COLORS   ***************"
        BlueSmallLandColorTheme new apply.
        desktop := Color r: 0.0 g: 0.032 b: 0.097.
        gradient := Color r: 0.452 g: 0.806 b: 1.0.

                color: desktop;
                gradientFillColor: gradient;
