[squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

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[squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

Folks -

Thanks to Andy Tween who released a version of Shout that only includes
the core portion (ShoutCore), we now have syntax-highlighting back. Not
only that, it comes without any ugly extensions or overrides. It Just
Works (tm). If you don't like it, or if you don't want it you can just
unload it and will go without a side effect.

I also took the liberty to enhance the (somewhat aggressive) default
style table with a set of more subdued highlights. This is intended for
people who are not used to syntax highlighting and will hopefully help
them to ease into the idea of colorful code ;-) But if you want the
original settings back, turn off the "Subdued Syntax Highlights" preference.

   - Andreas

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Re: [squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

I'm a fan of syntax highlighting and this looks great Andreas.


On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 7:15 AM, Andreas Raab<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Folks -
> Thanks to Andy Tween who released a version of Shout that only includes the
> core portion (ShoutCore), we now have syntax-highlighting back. Not only
> that, it comes without any ugly extensions or overrides. It Just Works (tm).
> If you don't like it, or if you don't want it you can just unload it and
> will go without a side effect.
> I also took the liberty to enhance the (somewhat aggressive) default style
> table with a set of more subdued highlights. This is intended for people who
> are not used to syntax highlighting and will hopefully help them to ease
> into the idea of colorful code ;-) But if you want the original settings
> back, turn off the "Subdued Syntax Highlights" preference.
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas

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Re: [squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

Stéphane Rollandin
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab
very nice


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Re: [squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

Ian Trudel-2
Excellent, Andreas. Suggestion: can't we have name of the current
method in bold in the code pane? It's always important to be able to
instantly visually identify elements in code, in my opinion.

   "some comment"
   some code.


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Re: [squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

Casey Ransberger
I'm also fond of having the method name in bold at the top. Also, the gray is a little low on contrast, making it a bit hard on my eyes. It would be awesome if we could darken the gray a notch in the default image.

Overall, though, this is really awesome:)

 - Ron

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Ian Trudel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Excellent, Andreas. Suggestion: can't we have name of the current
method in bold in the code pane? It's always important to be able to
instantly visually identify elements in code, in my opinion.

  "some comment"
  some code.


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Re: [squeak-dev] ShoutCore in Trunk

Bert Freudenberg

On 22.08.2009, at 18:16, Ronald Spengler wrote:

I'm also fond of having the method name in bold at the top.

Yes, this is traditional so we should keep it that way, for now anyway. I committed a change. You need to toggle the "Subdued Syntax Highlighting" preference once to make it active.

Also, the gray is a little low on contrast, making it a bit hard on my eyes. It would be awesome if we could darken the gray a notch in the default image.

The gray works fine for me. But simply open an inspector on

SHTextStylerST80 styleTable

and edit items 22-24 ...

Overall, though, this is really awesome:)

 - Ron

Indeed :)

- Bert -

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Ian Trudel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Excellent, Andreas. Suggestion: can't we have name of the current
method in bold in the code pane? It's always important to be able to
instantly visually identify elements in code, in my opinion.

  "some comment"
  some code.
