[squeak-dev] SmaCC uses Refactrory Browser!?

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[squeak-dev] SmaCC uses Refactrory Browser!?

Ralph Boland
I downloaded Squeak 3.10.2 a couple of months ago and just now attempted to
use SmaCC but discovered that it references a class  RBNamespace
(SmaCCGrammarCompiler>> initialize) which
is not in my image and which I believe is a subclass of the Refractory

Is there a version of SmaCC that runs in 3.10.2 and does not use the
Refactory Browser or must I load the Refactory Browser into my 3.10.2 image?

Ralph Boland

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Re: [squeak-dev] SmaCC uses Refactrory Browser!?

Lukas Renggli
The SmaCC compiler uses the Refactoring Browser to generate the code.
It is a prerequisite. You need to load the packages AST,
Refactoring-Core, SmaCC and SmaCCDev in that order.

The SmaCC runtime does not have any dependencies.


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Ralph Boland<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I downloaded Squeak 3.10.2 a couple of months ago and just now attempted to
> use SmaCC but discovered that it references a class  RBNamespace
> (SmaCCGrammarCompiler>> initialize) which
> is not in my image and which I believe is a subclass of the Refractory
> Browser.
> Is there a version of SmaCC that runs in 3.10.2 and does not use the
> Refactory Browser or must I load the Refactory Browser into my 3.10.2 image?
> Ralph Boland

Lukas Renggli