[squeak-dev] Smalltalk Television beta

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[squeak-dev] Smalltalk Television beta

Chris Cunnington

I've created a web page to introduce people to Smalltalk.
It can be found here http://www.smalltalktelevision.com


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Re: [squeak-dev] Smalltalk Television beta

Ian Trudel-2
2009/5/14 Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>:
> Hi
> I've created a web page to introduce people to Smalltalk.
> It can be found here http://www.smalltalktelevision.com
> Chris

Thrilling. However, no control over playback on your video, which
means it's not possible to rewind or fastfoward. No save video
feature? You should also make it clear that it requires a subscription
for a fee in order to watch other videos, especially since you're
expecting a $30 USD monthly payment after the ten days trial. =)


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RE: [squeak-dev] Smalltalk Television beta

Sebastian Sastre-2
In reply to this post by Chris Cunnington
great video editing and great voice
very cool

De: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] En nombre de Chris Cunnington
Enviado el: Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:57
Para: [hidden email]
Asunto: [squeak-dev] Smalltalk Television beta


I've created a web page to introduce people to Smalltalk.
It can be found here http://www.smalltalktelevision.com
