I have a simple question regarding the use of a proper idiom.
I had to create a matrix (n X m) of random values and I used a line similar to this one:
NMatrix withRows: ((1 to: n) collect: [ :i | random next: m ]).
Since Smalltalk is so neat for its collection handling, I obviously did not like to write that line.
I thought that I did not want to explicitly create the interval, nor use a block that requires an
argument that I also don't use.
The question, finally, is if there an elegant way of replicating the behaviour of #collect: butÂ
without the argument?
In my case, I thought it would be great for Integer to have something like #timesCollect:
that would allow me to rewrite the line above as:
NMatrix withRows: (n timesCollect: [ random next: m ])
Does anyone else think that this would be an useful method to have?